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04/03/10 1:27 PM

#7977 RE: lotterystk #7974

I know your box is broken and you are worn out......but consider this.That is right..........the DTCC did not go to the SEC for anything.They just used the SEC legal action as a reason to impose a chill...whethre is was to protect the shareholders or not.........that is what the job of a good DTCC is.They do it all the time.

I am not saying that IPWG executed a plan to keep the chill on directly. Who knows that? .....I don't ...........but they have to make an attempt with the appearance that they want the chill off. They may very well know that it is a hopeless case with little chance of making it or they may put forth an attempt to get it lifted along weak lines of defense that they would know have little chance for success.This is all speculation on my part. There are many ways to be like a politician.

All this may just be the situation that they found themselves in do to miss management,nefarious intent.....or just plain luck? Just like when they may have found themselves with having to "turn-in" Leisure in first..........before it all blew up in their face. Lots of people do that and go to the cops first and turn their partners in in order to get the upper hand and appear the victim.All speculation on my part again.........I don't know.....just thinking out loud to calm my brain.

Lets just say that IPWG has always had the best intentions in mind for the share holders and now find themselves in a "UNIQUE" predicament.The situation could be by fate that they get the money for the Poland project............yet the stock remains chilled and will eventually stop trading as trades will become difficult to execute with the chill.

Then IPWG will sue the DTCC to make it look good ..........for all involved, they have to make it look good.They have always made it look good and have a lot of experience in that department...........and who would fault them if the legal case after years does not pan out but with little success ? that has always been the track record.But who will be there to hear the final nail on the coffin for us stock holders?

This is where we stock holders may be totally screwed now, IMO...............they get the money ($$$$ Hurray!!!) but .....A big Butt here......IMO.......since IPWG would really NOT have any incentive to get the chill lifted now or ever. Why would they care now?? WHY WOULD THEY NEED TOO??? they gots the MONEY!!! they don't have to share squat.

We shareholders of record are NOW expendable and totally not needed any more.They have sold billions of shares already and at this price there is not much more money there.that do wont hunt any more. This is perfect for management.they don't have to mess with us any more.........FINALLY THEY ARE FREE OF US!

They will get this project ($$$$$) and other may be and just feed on it solely.It will be enough for them,IMO.........forget about us.

This is where they may end up at.Someone else does the work(engineers and contractors).......IPWG officers sit back waiting for tranches and meet with lawyers once a month from their new office in the Cayman Islands, and somehow the phone calls on that important cell phone number don't get picked up any more.............(-..-)....can YOU dig it Man!????

These guys are juts plain lucky it seems...........Bon voyage.........and "see la vi"..........."Que sera ...sera"

They fumbled their way to the golden goose with the fickle wooden nose of fate. We are dead man walking boys and don't know it..............they don't need us!!! I don't blame them now for taking the easy life.It is beautiful........screw them all and let God sort it out.Why not?.............because they are nice guys and would not do that?????......yeah baby...... Who needs this aggravation any ways, I am thinking they are thinking.....IMO

If they have not thought of it before? may just come to them now.

I so want to be wrong and have these boys show me that human nature is GOOD.......I want to sit with Brad and Steve and Johny and of course Petee at that BBQ and talk religion over with they all said NO to the Devil and his temptations.

Who is taking that bet?..........I just lost the bet where IPWG would be .20 cents by April fools..........what are a few dollars more? I just took the wrong side of the bet before.IMO...........I may do better this time.