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05/08/10 1:00 PM

#99 RE: Hedge Starz #98

Here is my opinion on John Simmonds, the guy that Copernic is entering into business with:

1. John's company - Wireless Age Communications (WLSA) was taken from him because he did not pay the vendors. He was forced into bankruptcy, the assets were taken from him, and he was left with the shell which now trades on the OTCBB as WLSA.
He claims to be a wealthy, successful businessman - I don't belie him. A wealthy successful business man would not allow SaskTel to take away his business.

2. He has NEVER made any payments to anyone.
He promises to pay money into new deals, but never pays.
I bet he has not given a cent to Copernic, the company he announced a deal with a few months ago.

3. He was never CEO of GlenAyre Communications
It was his father that was CEO - They have the same name (John Simmonds - they do have different middle initials) and John lies to people about his middle initial.
It is his family that has all the money.
In fact, his father and his brothers have cut-off John from everything.

4. John has had 6 wives
His father and brother have paid for many of John's legal issues with ex-wives, that is the primary reason for them cutting John off.

5. His intercompany dealings with all his public companies (Newlook, Wilreless Age, Gate To Wire, Lumonall, Trackpower, Eiger, Phantom Fiber, InterAmerican Gaming, GameCorp, among others) are inappropriate and at times illegal.
Do you know that not one of his companies has any cash (John is broke, that is why he took any cash he did have in Wireless Age to pay off his debt).
As for all the other public companies, they have ZERO in assets and each company has debt.

6. NewLook - He was booking sales that Wireless Age Communications was making under Newloook as well as WLSA.
He basically tried to show WLSA revenues for both companies - ILLEGAL.

7. Did you know that WLSA announced a settlement with numerous entities last month.
I am guessing that the settlement was either fictitious (did not occur with intercompany transactions) or if he paid anything to anyone, especially to one of his companies, that it was from the money copernic gave him, or from shares of Copernic that he got and sold.

8. Sunbay as well as the entire gasification business that John has claimed to own or be part of are nothing more than incorporated business with no contracts, deals, money or anything else. John's son, Graham and his friend are the actual founders and partners in Sunbay.

Simmonds is a man with very little business sense, no moral guidance, failed deals, and little to none business success.

These are my opinions based on my knowledge of John Simmonds. I am guessing that Simmonds fooled the CEO of Copernic and somehow got money or shares out of Copernic to fund his lifestyle.

My opinion, take it for what its worth.
John is CEO of a public company so we are allowed to comment on his history and make assumptions based on information gathered, including business success, failures, deals, personal life and all the other stuff that goes along with being a CEO of a public company. Investment decisions (BUYS and SELLS) are based on all the informationed gathered and when buying a stock like WLSA, or any of the other companies John has deals and contracts with all come down to due diligence that include opinions based on public information, SEC Filings of all his companies, personal history included in 10K's and proxies, public information including divorces, credit history, etc.

Good Luck to Copernic and all its shareholders. If John simmonds does to Copernic what he has done to all his other public companies, I am expecting CNIC to be about 3 cents a share within 6 months.