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04/01/10 10:18 AM

#2311 RE: fidder05 #2310

Im in with you hope its not 50K down the drain thats for sure.


04/01/10 10:52 AM

#2312 RE: fidder05 #2310

GOOD Question: The Answer I could tell you, is that truthfully, in ANY stock NO ONE can predict what is going to happen next day/next week. Even some who have favorite stocks can't say what is going to happen next day or next week with their stock.

Several people that have a lot of experience in stock investing have written on different sites and will WONDER at times, "Why is some other, weaker looking stock DOING FAR BETTER than their favorite stock?? They OPENLY write that it often happens that some OTHER STOCK will NOT have on paper, anything near or close to what their favorite stock does, yet these other stocks perform greatly. The MOMO is not "LOGICAL" they have often seen.

So I will be truthful and say, I don't exactly know what next week or the week after will bring here. HOWEVER, I WILL SAY, This stock because it is somewhat quiet NOW, and sometimes even very quiet, does NOT mean it will have to stay like that. In many ways it has what it takes for a possible explosive run. Yes, very possible.

Yes, the company execs here have gadzillion times more shares than the stockholders, and some here very much don't like that. Okay, I respect that's how they feel. However, I feel that they can have their gadzillion shares but the ezec shares are restricted from all accounts. The ACTUAL shares for public sale here are very. very low. After the R/S>> 39.000.000 divided by 85= 458,823 SHARES going into the first press release. Hmmm.... a stock with some aprox 500,000 SHARES??? Going to their first ever press release!!

So MONKEY ROCK, with OVER 1000 myspace and facebook friends, many around the world, and with its partner vendor companies, with MONKEY ROCK using its website, its newsletters to members and doing its FIRST EVER PRESS RELEASE to news agencies, there is the possibility of a fantastic, explosive momo run that can happen.

Very possible, the elements ARE there. I want to see what will happen, I am looking forward to the LAUNCH of Monkey Rock on to the American Stock Market (as they say) that NONE of Monkey Rock's followers or partner companies knows at this time, is coming here to CMCA. IMHO


04/01/10 1:01 PM

#2319 RE: fidder05 #2310

I'll tell you what to expect next week. (I've lived this experience too many times with pennies....) It'll open one day at 85 cents, new ticker. But faster than your account will recognize the change and allow you to sell (could be a few days, depending), the selling will begin and before long it will be trading at 50 cents.

If anyone wanted to buy this, they'd do it before the dang' RS. It'll be all selling and probably by Dent and company. Don't you think now that he created the run up to >10 cents by friends/family buying at the outset (early PR time, Jan.) -- and then selling out back down to 5 cents before the announcements about the 750,000,000 shares and the RS. This was all carefully planned by Dent et al.

He/they made killings by buying low before going up to near 14 cent top, and selling back down to about 5 cents. They'll make another killing over coming weeks, sell sell sell. They know the system, Brits or not.

I'm glad I sold most the other day for 2 cents to recoup at least a little. This is the last day to get out (holiday manana). This may be i-glide's first experience at how to lose thousands of bucks on pennies, getting scammed by what seems soooooo good at first. Many of us have learned over the years, we wait for the one killing to make for all the big honkin' losses. Ugh.