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richard the Realtor

04/01/10 7:46 AM

#10092 RE: Student86 #10089


Every Non Reporting Pink is labeled with the Caveat Emptor. There are little or no rules or regulations in these non reporting pink Sheets. And what rules and regulations governing these securities has a great deal of gray to them at best.
I mean what would you expect if you went to your doctor and as you walk in he has a patient beware disclosure statement right next to where you sign in.
I don't care who write's about what stock and about the management or the company of any pink for that matter. It doesn't make a damn bit of difference to me. The whole trading industry knows what the pinks are about and it's no secret. To expect anything more from the Pinks is unrealistic.
The Pinks are here simply so that the smart, savy and daring trader can cash in an make some coin. And the Pinks are here for the challenged trader, that is gullible and not very lucky so that they can lose their money.
Now, once we all come to terms with this concept, the sooner we will all understand why we are here. At least yours truly.
I don't care squat if awsl never even makes or sells a ceiling fan. I don't care if mevt never produces or sells a spray bottle to put out a campfire.
I do know that I want Richard the Realtor, "my favorite trader by the way" to make lot's of money. And I don't care what management does in order for me to make that money which I feel that I so richly deserve.
Let them wheel and let them deal. Appearances are everything for management and a company especially in the Pinks. Some pinks are just slimy. And some Pinks are slimy maggot pukes. I took that description from Richard the Realtor book on "Tire kickers who waist my time and never buy a house from me."
See, Realtors get scammed everyday.
By the way, anyone that is still reading this dribble, well this should answer their question as to why they are in the pinks and don't understand why they are loosing money.
Now, I personally don't Care if Trahan and Baldwin have to lie, cheat and steal so that I can make money.
I don't care if Trahan and Baldwin have to make a deal with the devil so that I can make money.
"Actually I have it on good authority that they have made a deal with the devil, and supposedly they reneged on the deal or the devil is claiming they never had a deal in the first place. Who knows. I do hear that the devil is looking for them but they won't return his calls.
So, my point is in the meantime I would like to give the perception that everything is just fine and dandy with mevt, and that the lines of communication with it's shareholders is just a little lacking at this time. So let's just keep the conspiracy theory's from any tabloid rag out of this. Documentation of anykind is the only real Due Diligence that is valid. And hearsay is very poor and irresponsible journalism.


Richard the Renegade
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04/03/10 10:19 AM

#10144 RE: Student86 #10089

I would have to agree student.

If management would be more transparent with us, then articles like these would not be as big of a worry and deterrent to potential and current investors.