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03/31/10 2:26 AM

#95603 RE: F6 #95601

I read some scuttle butt about her daughter 'willow' today ... something about a breakin with a bunch of kids .. and the guys are taking the fall said - that is why she came back from Hawaii so fast .. heck I'll go get it ...I didn't know the websites it's in the forwhatitsworth department . [ then this one ]

found it here at du


03/31/10 3:45 AM

#95605 RE: F6 #95601

F6, Sarah, and her video, bring memories of, Pauline Hanson ..

Pauline Lee Hanson (nee Seccombe; born 27 May 1954[1]) is an Australian politician and former
leader of Pauline Hanson's One Nation, a political party with a populist and anti-immigration platform.
In 2006, she was named by The Bulletin as one of the 100 most influential Australians of all time.

Not, Tina Frey, but funny ..

You wouldn't believe it, but this lady who was the ultra nationalist, for the country, white, et al is leaving ..

Out of interest our present opposition Liberal party, Tony Abbot, headed the dirty-tricks hatchet job on Pauline Hanson ..

G'Day. As you read Howard's blather on Hanson today (PM labels Hanson's jail sentence 'severe'),
bear in mind that his close mate and political hatchet man Tony Abbott - the bloke who hand-picked
the appalling David Oldfield to work in his Canberra office - was involved in destroying One Nation.

Heaps more inside if interested.


03/31/10 9:52 AM

#95619 RE: F6 #95601

"you should stop the drive and say..." - Some people never tire of making an ass of themselves.


03/31/10 11:30 AM

#95631 RE: F6 #95601

Less than a week after a man was driven off the road [ ] for sporting an Obama bumper sticker, Sarah Palin told a tea party rally in Searchlight, NV to stop cars with Obama stickers on them.

“…that bumper sticker you see on the next Subaru driving by, an Obama bumper sticker. You should stop the driver and say, “So how is that hopey, changey thing working out for you?”

Classy. My only hope is that Sarah pushes her cult to the point where they vote for their own candidates instead of the Republicans.

Although, I wouldn't mind having someone ask me what I think of the hopey-changey stuff, so that I can watch their head explode after I respond politely with the facts: economy is better, jobs losses have nearly stopped, health care passes, nearly out of Iraq... it's not like Obama has nothing to show for his first 1.25 years in office.


04/06/10 10:24 PM

#96088 RE: F6 #95601

Tea Party Terrorism: Man Arrested For Patty Murray Death Threat Used “Progressive”

As Ben Smith realizes here, this is straight out of Glenn Beck’s playbook. Straight out of it. Oliver Willis

The term 'progressive,' catching on
People on the left have been struggling, for years, to ditch the "liberal" label, and many prefer "progressive."

The surest sign that it's catching on comes from the reported death threat against Sen. Patty Murray, for which a Washington state man was arrested today. Per the AP:

"There's a target on your back now," said one message on March 22. "It only takes one piece of lead. Kill the [expletive] senator! ... Now that you've passed your health care bill, let the violence begin."

In other messages over the next several days, the caller said, "I hope somebody puts a [expletive] bullet between your [expletive] eyes," and "I do believe that every one of you [expletive] socialist democratic progressive [expletives] need to be taken out."

And, he said, "I want to [expletive] kill you." [ ]

As a colleague notes, credit may go to Glenn Beck, who has called "progressivism" "a cancer."