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12/15/04 4:12 PM

#4342 RE: 10thMountain #4339

For once, please, take two or three days of your time to go through all the DD that was done here on Ihub from the very beginning and you will get a better picture. Instead of asking questions which were most likely answered somewhere in NEOM IHub at some point in time, please do your DD on this if you have doubts or questions.

And for the first time in 4 years has NEOM been on the upward but steady trend since November 1 with average volume shares increasing from around 2 million to now 8 million shares, coupled with what we know about NEOM, SAIC, INTEL, the patents, Tobin Smith, and so on along with the concept of "point and click" mobile commerce ought to tell you that Neomedia Technologies is a far, far more potent company than most people yet realize.

Again, go through IHub and do your own DD starting at the VERY beginning. You are responsible for your decision and the information you gleaned. Do not rely on us to answer every single question since this IHub board is growing with new members everyday and that's great! But we can only do so much to allay your fears and give you confidence, you have to do the rest on your own by doing your Due Diligence here and elsewhere.

People owe it to themselves to avail themselves the many, many valuable discussions and information buried here in IHub.

My advice: start digging.


12/15/04 4:58 PM

#4356 RE: 10thMountain #4339

I would suggest you go back to the beginning of the year on Ihub and start reading the posts.
Everyone here, I believe, at one time or another, has asked the same question, how can something with so much opportunity an potential be selling for .285 cents?

The answer is that until the announcements happen, Vodaphone deal with PaperClick, implement the name registry (right now it is only an agreement to start the registry) or settle a law suit in NEOM's favor, it is all betting on what could be.
There is no revenue yet, only hope. But, I have talked to the highest levels in the company and it is for real. I have done my own DD and read a ton about the company. Again, in my opinion this company is for real. THey have agreements with Intel, they have agreements with SAIC, these aren't maybe or hope. Once one of these major events, that I listed above happens, this stock will be up to a $1, IMHO.

The risk is that a court decides against NEOM in a law suit. Do I think that will happen, no. Could it? Anything is possible when you are dealing in the court system.
If what we are talking about were all known and all the agreements done, and the name registry flying along, I think that is when wallstreet will see concrete value in NEOM and the stock will no longer be at .285!

You are smart to be cautious of Penny stocks. This is not a pump and dump board or pump and dump stock. ONe of the directors, the father of C. Fritz, founder owns over 100 million shares. So what do think he thinks the stock is going to do. Plus he held it when the stock was at .40 last year and didn't sell! You may never see an opportunity like this again. It's my opinion, and stock could drop back to .05 tomorrow, but I don't think it will.

Also, if you read the posts here, no one is saying the stock is going to move big next week, or next month, or next quarter.


12/15/04 5:33 PM

#4360 RE: 10thMountain #4339

I am a new poster here. I have recently bought NEOM and found this site as I was seraching for news on the stock.

I think one reason for the positivity in this particular penny stock is in what it is actually producing. Technology that will allow companies a direct link with a consumer. You read so much about how advertisers on TV etc are having a hard time reaching people due to the fragmentation of TV and cable channels. This puts the advertiser in direct contact with you. This is huge for ANY company that sells a product.

Secondly, there has been a lot of talk about this exact kind of technology by people all over the tech world. Microsoft and Bill gates to name a biggie. Whether or not they use NEOM's technology to do that isnt 100% but when you look at companies like microsoft, in my belief, they aren't always the innovators of NEW tech....they are just very good at buying it from other corporations....HUGE for NEOM owners.

Third, Google and Microsoft are in a large battle (along with some other players) for the next generation of Internet search engines. NEOM sits poised right in the middle with their patented technology. If this hits, you will either see a massive buyout by google or microsoft or huge licensing fees by all majory players to use this technology. Either way its big profits for NEOM (don't think 1$ / share for this type of outcome....that'll seem miniscule)

Fourth, Technology like this has been out for a while now, but it hasnt been until recently that cellphones and wireless PDA's with cameras have become ubiquitous in our society. Wherein at one time , in order to use this technology you would have had to first gotten over the hump of getting everyone to own a camera phone / pda, now its so common that the infrastructure is already there. No convincing someone to buy a cameraphone....most companies offer them free with new service.

Whew....kind of a long post for my first one but theres my opinion on the matter.

I agree that most penny stocks are pump and dump but you can see why (at least I do) people feel that this one is poised for better than average chances.