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03/30/10 10:16 AM

#207798 RE: ssc #207791


Generally I do not see eye to eye with you but I completely agree with your last post.

In the past I have been denigrated by the board because I have questioned Mark's (JDZ UPDATE!) reports and have publicly asked for any type of realistic validation of these so called updates.

The primary poster's [I call them the PP's] will rail at you if you do anything to knock the rosy glow off of everyone's cheeks when Mark comes out and prognosticates that we will all be rich by the weekend.

He does no one a true service. In may ways he is only a more verbose Oilphant.

Where I do not agree with you is in what I believe is actually happening. I am in the group that feels that the prolonged silence can only mean that we have a significant field(s) in the JDZ and until the principal owners can determine how, who, and how much...... no information will be released. While I feel this alone can explain the lack of information being released on the well test results(if the results are bad, and the Board Members of principal companies are aware of it they would have SEC issues for not relasing that info over a year-end or for that matter quarterly period, as it could have a significant financial affect). There are some problems with this theory. If true, I cannot understand how the principal companies have kept the news from leaking out. If there were leaks we would see the price start to migrate North with little or no retraction.

If anyone can expound on how they think the information is being kept so tight to the vest I would appreciate it.

For whatever it is worth this is how I see it.

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03/30/10 10:25 AM

#207807 RE: ssc #207791

Peter N, while at the the conference in Nigeria, also said results would be out in about six weeks, which would have put the date at about now. Dan K has since sent someone an E mail stating that, "Things can change."

Mark's favorite post was, "Expect results next week...."