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03/27/10 4:09 PM

#729 RE: vinovista #728

I am not sure what points you are trying to make. I stand by my comment, that this is the largest and most important market in the world. I do make every effort to be truthful and accurate in my posts. If you think I have said something that is not truthful, point it out. Thank you.
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05/09/10 10:05 AM

#880 RE: vinovista #728

Cytosorb "Falls under the favorable diagnosis related group (DRG) hospital reimbursement and not individual product reimbursement. An ability to demonstrate improved patient outcome with reduced ICU care should drive adoption."

This is from page 2 of their Executive Summary:

Maybe, does not answer your question, but it's a good FYI!

No you only said it was the "largest" market in the world.

"About the US, the company made a decision in the fall of 2007 that it would be much quicker to go to Germany. Now, approaching three years later, the decision to do nothing in the largest market in the world is questionable."

Correct me if I'm wrong but are you now also saying that billions of people are less important than a few hundred million.

Is the cartridge going to be listed as a pharmacological item or medical equipment item?

Food for thought: If it falls under medical equipment than I think the orange market in Florida is larger and more important than the apple market in Washington. I would agree with your logic if you are talking about Lymphoseek.

Now some friendly advice for ALL posters here. I spent 4 years of my life from '71 to '75 in service to my country. I fully defend your right to your opinion and your right to post the same. I only ask that you put every effort to make it as accurate, truthfull, and enlightning as possible. To chronically pump or bash a stock is fooling only yourself. I have faith that the intellect of the readers of ihub, and most message boards is high enough that this should need not be stated!