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03/26/10 9:17 PM

#16780 RE: mAjOr dAmAgE #16779

its all good, we just like to be optismistic. not pump and there are always two sides to everything,

Good luck to ya!



03/26/10 10:40 PM

#16784 RE: mAjOr dAmAgE #16779

Well Major fortunately for the "real" investors on this board hearsay and the always trusted "I talked to this guy and he said......" do not affect the PPS. News, performance, sales and a little dose of "REALITY" do. Your continued attacks on the integrity of this company is really wearing thin. Maybe you, Kirby, and whoever else who decide to do nothing more than present opinionated hearsay, make up your own rumors and simply whine and complain about the company should JUST LEAVE!!! If there is so much wrong doing and so many illegal activities and scams to this company then JUST LEAVE!! If you have stock, SELL!!! No one forces you to be here. You know the old adage "If your not part of the solution, your part of the problem"? Well you continually choose along with others(you know who you are) to be the latter. I believe very strongly along with many others that this is a company with a truly great idea and technology which has an opportunity to do something special. Will it all come to pass the way we want it too? Maybe. Maybe not. The point is there is no more room for people who continually choose to attack the progress of this company and its investors and would rather divert attention from the real opportunity this company presents by talking about people or events that have no actual substance or relevance to this company. Maybe you should change your name from Major Damage to I love short Shorts! I believe in GOTV and Chris' ability to really make this thing happen. I look at it like Healhcare reform. Whether ya like it or not its happening SO DEAL WITH IT! IMO of course.