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03/26/10 9:52 AM

#528 RE: Stefanod #527

Stefanod, I am now down 76% on this one. And I'm NOT happy.

When I bought in I was hoping to make a reasonable ROI in a few months. Now it looks like it may take up to a year or more.

I suppose that I will be averaging down here at some point, so that I might be able to eventually break even or make a modest profit.

But it seems to me that the recent moves by the company are in the opposite direction from supporting my plan. So for the near-term I am going to wait and see what happens next.

All investors should be careful with this one and make up their own minds about what to do.

I suggest that you start by reading the last few SEC filings to become familiar with what you own. Then decide.

All just my opinion...