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03/26/10 2:58 PM

#207390 RE: mugwump #207240

One of the unnamed partners is Qatar. See my earlier post 207386. You can count on the Chinese for a few billion. What do you think they could buy for $20 billion? Hopefully we will not have to wait too long for the answer.

One key to developing the JDZ we may have overlook is financing. Many ,including myself ,assumed between the Chinese, and possibly Total and /or Chevron financing the development would have been easily accomplished. The Qatar and Total parnership could be a linchpin in financing the expensive sub sea engineering and infrastrucure for the JDZ. Farrell


03/26/10 3:06 PM

#207393 RE: mugwump #207240

I like this part the best.

"Two of the projects that will receive Total’s investment have been previously announced – the Usan deepwater offshore field, scheduled to go into production in 2012, and exploration in an oil block in the Niger Delta. Two more areas are being studied, according to reports citing a Total spokesman. Total produced 230,000 barrels of oil a day in Nigeria last year, and will increase that volume this year, company officials said."

Wonder is these "Two more areas" are JDZ and EEZ?
