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Lawrence 147

03/24/10 5:38 PM

#2051 RE: MONEYMADE #2045

If you sold at .0084 that was you panicking and blame your self, if the people on this board would not have panicked and sold our price would have held through the night and the shares returned to us would have been worth what the new stock opens at. Come on Money admit it you and every one that lost out screwed up on this one period, it happens and you of all people should know the rules to playing these things we know the risk. I had just checked the Daily list before I went in to see if my wife needed some help and it was not up, I was not concerned either. I could have been caught just the same as you, just that this time I was not hurt as bad as some other times, as a mater of fact a $.005 open and my trading fees are covered, my re-organization fees are covered and I still have some money to bank. You are the one that showed me the way man, take it while I can and bank the rest. I did that here and just ran out of powder for the day so all I had in the pot was $5.00 and some change that did not get covered, my fault.
Does all of the DD that was done go out the window With the R/S. Does the A/S we got from a report you provided change now? 151 million shares did that change or did I miss something? We knew or should have known this was coming, and yes as I have been explaining this is a new company with new shares, the old investor that bought in around .002 will not be hurt if they sell what they have and wait for the dust to settle. You guys found an exceptional play and that is just what it was, a play and like any game some win some lose and the only ones never hurt are the ones sitting on the sidelines.
I am not holding any thing against anyone, even you I got lucky on this one maybe next time I won’t be so lucky. This could still turn out to be a scam or it could turn out to be something really good.
In the end the company has the right to benefit from the sales of their stock, and I would say until now they have not enjoyed that benefit.