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03/24/10 10:16 AM

#16556 RE: jb63 #16552


The first dividend DID happen.

The second round of POTENTIAL dividends was NOT promised.

It was mentioned in a PR, and then the subject was supposed to be readdressed during the same board meeting that the DEMO and the 5 to 1 split were addressed.^ATNP

When I spoke with Chris DuBeau, he mentioned that the previous dividend DID happen, and he mentioned some difficulty he had in delivering the shares, but my understanding is that it DID in fact happen.


He also mentioned that the second round of dividends was going to be discussed. The PR that I posted says that the dividends were APPROVED, and that more would be discussed in that same board meeting.

That is the last we heard of it.

It seems that the second round has been "drowned out" by the chaos caused by the problems that they had in getting the DEMO out. The demo was CRITICAL, because it showed that they really had a product (many people have been accusing them of not even having a product).

Also, they have now been accepting orders for their product since Mar 1 (which is over 3 weeks ago), and they probably have not had a lot of orders, since they have had NO DEMO, and virtually no significant advertising.

These matters (demo and advertising) are of CRITICAL importance, and the matter of the GOTV dividends has been probably set aside till then.


Also, the 5 to 1 split is of CRITICAL importance, because not only do the investors make money from these splits, but companies do as well. When a company holds shares, they get 5 times the shares to sell to raise capital for future investments.

They will need that capital to promote INTERNATIONAL sales. TV ads that are international provide additional costs, as the ads need to be made in multiple languages.


My criticism of ATNP has been that they have FAILED TO MEET DEADLINES. They set deadlines for themselves, announce them in national press releases, and then fail to meet those deadlines - which creates an air of doubt. This is essentially "shooting yourself in the foot."

However, they have not "lied." They have made good on all their promises, and I am sure they will make good on their promise for dividends.


If you would like, you can write DuBeau from the email on his website (see "investors"). You can write him to remind him. a STRATEGY.....and if Chris Dubeau is reading this (and I do suspect he reads this board, given things that he says)....

I would WAIT to readdress the dividends for a time in which the stock price stops rising. In other words, let's say this stock gets to .015 or .02.....and then there is a HUGE SELL OFF, and the price starts dropping....

The announcement of SOLID NEWS in regards to the dividends might stop a sell-off, and prevent the PPS from dropping further.

DuBeau seems to be pretty good at that, if you have noticed by the "timing" of his PRs. He sends out fluff PRs that are fairly meaningless...but the tend to occur during sell offs, and the sell offs slow down or stop.

Just a thought.

If I find out more, I will post.
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03/24/10 10:21 AM

#16557 RE: jb63 #16552

there was statement that this will be discussed again after the forward split.