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greg s

08/29/02 4:08 PM

#612 RE: Bird of Prey #611


re: push the button

Respectfully, the proper term is "turn the key". Actually two keys turned by two officers separated by sufficient distance that one person could not possibly turn both. FWIW.

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08/29/02 5:26 PM

#622 RE: Bird of Prey #611

<< 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, . . . >> LOL, while the subject under discussion has no humor, that presentation deserves an LOL.

Yesterday I promised you a response, so as they say in McDonald's: "Here ya' go!".

Dogs. Let's consider dogs for a bit. Dogs have been 'man's best friend' practically since the beginning. They've practically become part of the family. And, if you consider the family 'mammals' ~ then dogs are family.

Big dogs, little dogs, medium dogs. Smart dogs, dumb dogs, average dogs. Mean dogs, gentle dogs, balanced dogs. Fat dogs, skinny dogs, muscle dogs. Wild dogs, tame dogs, feral dogs. Cool dogs, nerd dogs, average dogs.

Dogs ~ if they act the way we believe they should act, we adopt 'em. We feed 'em, we doctor 'em, we work 'em, we train 'em, we play with 'em, sheesh ~ we even love them.

Those, however, that misbehave, we admonish. We try to train them away from unacceptable behavior. If they are incapable of understanding our desires for their behavior, we generally try to pawn them off on some unsuspecting dog-lover. Some of those less considerate of our fellow mammals, will take 'em out in the country and abandon them, erroneously thinking they will learn to fend for themselves in an unstructured environment.

Those who consistenly exhibit violent behavior, we will eventually euthanise. Thus we are rid of the problem.

People, ya know, are pretty similar. We got all kinds. Some exhibit behavior unacceptable to the rest of us.
We do them the same way. We try to train/convince them they can'd act like that. If they persist, we lock 'em up or ship 'em out. If they are too miserable an example of humanity and commit certain indiscrepancies, we euthanise them.

Dogs who attack/bite/injure people are disposed of. There are culls in every breed.

'Tis approaching time to cull the litter, maybe the breed, the family, and, yes, the species.

People who exhibit cull-dog like behavior should expect to be treated like the dogs they are.

Hey!! You want rants? You got 'em.