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03/21/10 4:49 PM

#57042 RE: villas #57041

Absolutely villas!!...wise counsel my friend..this healthcare vote has a potential to send stocks and currencies both in a tailspin...IMO this bill is so bad for our nation that its almost like waiting for the outcome of a vote to exterminate or not exterminate everyone over 50!!..IOW its so insane that this administration s pushing..bribing and pulling off every underhanded trick to get something passed that the overwhelming percentage of americans want no part of and are yelling as loud as they can to that effect.With the passage of this bill you can rest assured that you now..under this administration ...NO LONGER have a voice to be heard..a YES vote for the bill will prove that once and for all.
Even if its actually good instead of matters not..the point is being made that we are no longer a government of,by and for the people.The constitution,check and balance and all safeguards are being converted from a democracy to totalitarianism and socialism!
Forgive my venting folks....I can only vent...I cannot PREvent this from happening!