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Replies to #900 on THE CAVE (CAVE)
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03/21/10 5:22 PM

#901 RE: just_an_ant #900

Whoah? Where did you get to read Envirotek purchase agreements? I know ENTK is a Nevada Corp and have never read otherwise. I also know there are other businesses that do business under the name of Envirotek througout the country. LOL, Try to come up with a business name that has not already been used some place :)

I believe I've found more than 12 Enviroteks and two are in california and in fact I just saw a pub on about ENTK that used the logo of an Envirotek from Michigan. Seriously, if you have a copy of or link to a Purchase Agreement where ENTK states it's a California Corp. I'd like to see it.

ENTK, Envirotek, is based and headquartered in California but is a Nevada Corp and that's how I've always seen it presented and it is quite correct to state they are a Corporation based in California.

I believe a majority of corps in the USA are Nevada or Delaware corps for filing purposes so that's not a big concern to me. On the otherhand, little "mistakes" that could accidently be done on purpose to create loopholes for escape are always a concern of mine as I was very concerned when ENTK originally filed an incorrect street name with the Nevada SOS. That was rectified in a short amount of time along with the mispelling of February on the website more recently.

Me thinks it's a simple matter of an absent minded professor syndrome and nothing to sweat but that sort of detail with regard to identity is precisely what less than scrupulous scam artists do to take advantage so it is good to stay on your toes when doing DD.

As always you make excellent observations...

Mr Thompson appears to be trying and striving to get away from "pink-like-ness"; however the clouds still follow him. Now he is kinda stuck (as is ENTK) between no mans land.

Not enough liquidity to attract "players/traders/etc" and not enough solid fundamentals in my opinion to have decent strong support.

Companies go public to raise funds; while ENTK has done good job of not diluting to present there has to be concerns given the widespread difference between its O/S and A/S. If it starts, I hope he files appropriate forms (Form D, etc.)

...and I used to believe this but feel times are changing...

A business model based on federal/state credits for sustainability is flawed to some extent. if you can't beat them join them! Be subsidized or die! The new world order :)

LOL, these days a majority of careers in the USA are subsidized. My brother is a lighting CEO and has enjoyed the benefits for over 2 decades and so do all of us every time we turn on the lights!

So I've not thrown opportunity of re-entering out the window; that timing continues to be an unknown as well. I just think there are other plays with better catalyst forthcoming that keeps vast majority of my attention and interest.

IMO ENTK has bottomed and is about to bounce especially if the latest acquistion is completed then the timing is perfect but in the worst case it tests .10 and of course I have other plays too but this one is gearing up for aggressive expansion and duplication into a green future and IMO that's the reason for the AS of 500 mil that is being held tight for future expansion thus far. No matter what the investment there is always a certain leap of faith involved with regard to partnerships and associations so thanks for giving RT credit... Thompson has followed through on various things (unlike in past with INCL), although it has taken much longer then originally anticipated or stated. At least it's moving forward. I'll give him credit for that. Seriously in knew security paranoia was just a passing trend... It doesn't really make people safe and makes them feel less safe the more they think about it. That was Bush ERA

Security is 98% perception and 2% deception. Nothing is really secure. I know as I build very secure fences but if man can make, man can break it.... point, period, blank. The old saying goes, fences keep honest people honest.

I believe RT, our absent minded professor, is honest and showing us he has what it takes.

With regard to filings I believe that what you read is what they request in the form they request it be in and that's the "why" of how things shown or classified - although overall they likely are minor (example depreciation is a non cash operating item in cash flow not investing). Not sure why folks show this to penny, it don't help in pennyland, round things to nearest dollar. If going to utilize QuickBooks for accounting software, at least export to excel and "clean up" the presentation, etc. and get things classified more correctly.

All I know for sure is there is more than on interpretation and set of accounting principles and multitudes of reasons to choose them. Unfortunately for us shareholders our interest is not always the 1st priority when composing these reports and it is our duty to read between the lines no matter what form the report comes in.

Interested in what you're looking for with regard to timing an entry?

I picked up .18s and .20's about a month ago and it has not fallen below that since. Been up to .45 and seems to be consolidating around .30 now but I'm not day trading so that's good in my book and portfolio.

It seems to me that if the acquisition of the automobile conversion company with 25 mil in sales on the books for 2010 is completed this thing shoots up like a rocket as the... Not enough liquidity to attract "players/traders/etc" and not enough solid fundamentals in my opinion to have decent strong support.
...solid fundamentals portion of the show kicks in to high gear! Extreme Biodiesel should be cranking up now with the 1 dollar per share tax credit reinstated and there are also negotiations for the lighting company and the Stations Casino Chain in progress. These are the 3 main areas of concentration for the company right now which is good to see IMO... RT get the $$$$ :)