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03/21/10 12:19 PM

#3412 RE: Drumstick #3411

Dr. Shapiro has left Alda. They didn't even have the decency to make an official announcement, not surprised. Here's a post from Agorocom. I think it says it all.

Mama always said if you have nothing GOOD to say about someone or something, you should say nothing at all.

Thought I blasted my frustration and discouragement wth the goings on with APH enough for one week so have been quiet but thanks very much for asking my opinion.

Since Dr. Shapiro is not on the Board, not a requirement to put out official announcement even though he is a key mngt personnel. Any company with any reputation and respect would have relayed to shareholders that such a key and important person from within has resigned or retired or got fired. Especially the original founder.

If TO is putting Shapiro out there as the fall guy to take all the heat for a marketing project gone terribly wrong, well - he ain't fooling anyone.

At a time where a simple letter stating the Olympics were a success in eyes of APH mngt they put out a ridiculous release stating APH has an Ausy patent (so what, new product lines are years and years away and we already had key patents there anyway). Shows what type of professionalism is guiding us. They could have later followed with a Paralympic success story as well.

Still irks me that all these years we had janitorial and ER products that just did not sell or make money (then put out new handsanitizer line that is fantastic product / sells well / liked by consumers / spend millions on retail-Olympics-wholesale to promote / then mngt just lets it fall through the cracks and pretty much scrub the line) now mngt is back with just the original loser line. Shocking in my opinion.

Still a lot of people stuck in this stock as can be seen from the various boards and number of hits each day. Volumes are big on this downfall but not in the millions as one would invision for a company operating the way APH is - or more to the point - the way mngt is.

Surprised people seem to be getting some mngt replies for a change. Hopefully, mngt are feeling some heat. They should be worried as tax loss selling could be coming early this year and those remaining will not forget at General Meeting time.

Now that there is no real future for hand sanitizer bis from within APH, not sure where they go from here. Lets not forget, the 6 million $.40 warrants that are pretty much lost despite another big payment to VANOC coming up down the road.

Wouldn't mind if shareholders new the core product line mngt is always touting is near finalization, but with clinical trial phases required and still no timeline on even the required stages or product trial necessities agreed to with FDA, Health Canada and others, well, again, looks to be years out.

Frustrating to say the least, but like so many, being tens of thousands of dollars under water, is not appealing to me right now. Some have capitulated and could well be the winners. Came real close, but just couldn't push the button last week- still hoping for a miracle pop so to get out once and for all - like most of you I'm sure.

So good luck to all shareholders - repeating myself - but from all aspects - we all need luck if not a miracle on this one.

What miracle you may ask - revenue volumes in the next financials stating reduced but now consistent sales with a perceived marketing plan, reduced costs, concrete direction for a change on what steps mngt will be taking over the next 6 monts to progress new product lines and no more wisy washy stuff - time for real progress report on where APH stands/ what they are currently doing / what they will be doing within next 6 months / real vision for the next 1 and 2 years.

Such a report to shareholders would alleviate growing risk, confirm direction and allow a solid foundation for due dilligence by many investors.

Mngt should have this by now anyway - if not - they better get to work cause time is quickly running out and the next financial release will definately be tell tale for straw that could break this camels back.