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08/28/02 4:22 PM

#427 RE: Bird of Prey #420

Glad you decided to post your view, BoP.

You call for a light hand with Saddam

No. We need to continue to be tough with him. I'm just trying to say that real change in cultures/countries come from within. It may come to war if a threat to our security becomes imminent, but I'd like to hope that won't happen except as a last resort.

while at the same time applauding the reforms in Pakistan and the Post Taliban Afghanistan.

I'm not sure applauding is the right word... I'm hopeful that there are those from within who want to see the same kind of changes we do.

Do you think the plight of Kurdish women in Northern Iraq is any less horrendous than those in the aforementioned countries.

No. In fact, I'd guess it was worse.

Do you believe that Saddam will waste one second in launching a nuclear or biologic equipped SCUD at Tel Aviv the moment it's available?

I'm sure he's planning on it.

Whether it is years or hours away is irrelevant.

It is relevant, IMO, if we have the intelligence to know when that capability will be realized. If we do, then take the time to gather the evidence, rouse internal support in those countries, and convince the world community that attacking is the only solution. For instance, I saw an article today that China does not support attacking Iraq.

We've tried all peaceable avenues. Our enemies want War.

I'm sure as long as Saddam is in power, we cannot make peace. But he is human and vulnerable and anything could happen. Keep tight clamps on him, keep pushing him and let Saddam make his mistake and then ponce with the rest of the world at your back.

I truely wish we could solve all the problems for all those suffering around the world. But I don't believe we can do that by bombing the crap out of places. Others have to learn to help themselves and that's what I believe we should help them with. It's the mistake we made after WWI in Germany which lead to WWII. The Marshall Plan was what made the difference the second time around.


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08/29/02 1:07 AM

#525 RE: Bird of Prey #420

BOP...Extremely Good Post IMO!!! I Totally Agree!

Freedom Is An Ongoing & Everlasting Battle!!!
