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Santa Barbara Broker

03/16/10 12:49 AM

#66465 RE: Stock_Barber #66460

The processes of a convertible debenture racket are not based on individual transactions. They are based on numerous small transactions that are almost guaranteed to produce a profit. You can't deal with dumping billions of shares of the same thinnly traded company into the float. You'd kill it in a matter of days. You need many small deals from a diversity of pinks and OTCs to make the system perform. Nor are all such operations based on Wall Street or geared to produce billions in profits. There are over 7700 hedge funds in the US alone today. 7200 of them didn't exsit ten years ago. Just like there are Mom and Pop groceries, there are small toxics and hedge funds. They are far far more numerous than the billion dollar ones that make the news. Same with scam companies. Often it's just a couple people running the deal to pick up a nice salary. How much money do they really need to do that and keep the illusion of commerce going?

Stop thinking in terms of billions of dollars as the norm. If a small company with almost no overhead was making $40K a day in profits trading from a deck overlooking the Cayman Islands for 4 hours, would you consider that "chump change"? If EXPH were making $3600 a week net profit...would THAT be considered chump change at this point? These operations and their funders rely on people having closed minds and preconceived notions of what is possible and who is in control in order for them to function at all. They hold the magnifying glass in front of the ants and turn them into elephants through the magic of the internet, judicious use of doublespeak and misleading prose issued into the pay for play "business" media. Try to grasp the overall picture of the interactions between scammers and their funders and things will start to make a little more sense. In fact they will ONLY make sense when you open your mind and lose all the preconceived notions that have been planted there to deceive you in the first place. None of us know the extent that share sales have played in recent funding events. Remember that the same guy who told you there would be a spin off converted all his preferred shares to common shares right before the TA was gagged. Can you explain exactly why? His salary isn't dropping mystically out of one of those cabinets they're supposedly shipping all over the place you know. IMHO.