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03/15/10 11:35 AM

#94224 RE: wall_rus #94223

Analysis: Netanyahu outwits Obama again

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, basked in the glow of great praise on Tuesday morning from Joseph Biden, the US vice-president and the man a heartbeat away from the most powerful job in world.

by Damien McElroy, Foreign Affairs Correspondent
Published: 6:00PM GMT 10 Mar 2010

By the time the two men sat down to dinner with their radiant wives in Jerusalem, the goodwill had turned to ashes in their mouths.

There can scarely have been a sharper change in tone in the diplomatic history of two close allies over the course of a single day.

Mr Biden had begun declaiming America's "absolute" support for Israel.

Minutes later there was an announcement that 1,600 new homes would be built in an Ultra-Orthodox enclave of Arab East Jerusalem.

Mr Netanyahu pleaded ignorance and spun that he had been blindsided by extremists in his coalition, who control the interior ministry.

American officials exploded with range. The vice-president arrived 90 minutes late for dinner. A statement said the decision was calculated to destroy the indirect proximity talks Washington was about to launch between Israel and the Palestinians.

Mr Biden is famously loqucacious but even so the volte face was astounding.

Arab newspapers proclaimed America's humiliation. The National in Abu Dhabi said Mr Biden had suffered a slap in the face.

Even Israeli papers were filled with alarm. Haaretz blamed a tendency on Israel's Right to demonstrate that the country could willfully snub its colonial master for the debacle.

Seasoned Western diplomats had seen this collision coming for months.

President Barack Obama started his presidency demanding a settlement freeze and promised - most notably in a speech in Cairo - evenhandedness towards Arab grievences. But within weeks the edifice collapsed as America embraced Mr Netanyahu's offer of a 10-month building moratorium in the West Back settlements. The Palestinians found a temporary freeze unacceptable and refused to talk to Israel.

Against this backdrop, Hilary Clinton poured salt into the Arab wound by praising Mr Netanyahu's concessions as unprecedented.

One senior Jerusalem-based European diplomat said Mr Obama had - through a combination of naivety and timidity - almost cost the career of the moderate Mahmoud Abbas on several occasions in recent months.

There is almost certainly worse to come. The Israeli government has laid a series depth charges in the path of the peace process since blunting the idealism of Mr Obama's opening frenzy of diplomacy.

Approval of new - inevitably Jewish-owned - buildings in Jerusalem deeply wounds the Palestinians who look to its East - Israel's annexation is not recognised in international law - as a future capital.

The irony is that a Palestinian state is already forming despite the political logjam. The West Bank is booming as a parallel reality is under creation. In time it will be inevitable that Gaza and East Jerusalem are drawn on to the same path.

The consequence of events is that a unilateral declaration of statehold by the Palestinians is growing increasingly likely.
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03/15/10 8:35 PM

#94276 RE: wall_rus #94223

I always found this picture that sortagreen used to post a real eye opener.