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03/12/10 10:01 AM

#456 RE: Botat #454

That's common for the US dollar because it is the international currency of choice. Why would any company or bank hold dinar? What business transactions are being done in dinars.
Iraq sells oil for dollars, and that isn't going to change anytime in the near future.
You just posted the fact that there are less than 1 Trillion dollars world wide... and the dollar is THE main international currency... yet you don't see a problem with Iraq having 20 some Trillion.
Yes... the CBI financials says it's billions. But it is 21 thousand billion. A thousand billion is a trillion.
So the CBI financials says it's 20 some trillion... and practically every single one of the redenomination, raise 3 zero, articles talks about the 20 some trillion. Why do you not believe it?

Check out the two links above... a long time ago when I invested in dinar I found those links. I went to each ones central bank web site and found out how much currency they had. I checked M2 at the time, because M2 is actually more representative of money supply that needs to be supported than simple currency in circulation.
Guess what i found. EVERY one of the countries on the Least Valued currency list has an M2 well into the trillions. EVERY one of them.
The highest valued list... they all had M2 in the low billions, 10-30 billion mostly... with the exception of the US and the Euro countries which have low Trillions, but that is explained by the fact that both have 13 trillion dollar GDPs driving demand for the currency.