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03/10/10 1:42 PM

#605 RE: BigBoyz #604

Hi Jurgen.

This is all I have hear from Mr. Newsom below:

Re: Southern EnergyFriday, March 5, 2010 1:16 PM
From: "Norm Newsom" <>View contact details
To: "John Kountouris" <>

As I stated in my email to Jurgen, the audit and all related material is either in place or very close and the required filings with the SEC and Finera should be completed shortly. From that point onward it is totally upto the timing of the SEC and Finera for approvals for Southern Energy to come back to trade.

I have no offical capacity with SOCI and neither do the other shareholders invlolved, we like you just want to see the company come back to trade. None of our group are market people rather professional people, engineers, geologist etc., and we want very much to place the project into production as the cash flow will help build a real company over time.

Please email any of your question and concerns and I will do my best to walk you through what is happening.

Take care

Norman Newsom

So, nothing new since he replied to me. Please try to keep in touch with him as I will too.

Thank you Jurgen!
