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03/10/10 11:53 AM

#1231 RE: Camaro1093 #1230

Then resign as the mod here and leave.WHY?would you ask to be a mod of something you dont believe in?


03/10/10 11:53 AM

#1232 RE: Camaro1093 #1230

Sue the stock buyers who ran it up. nobody told them they HAD to buy it. And Green Tea is a blockbuster - millions of people buy that crap every day. This is a drug compound they are trying to find uses for to better peoples lives - if that trial didnt work for that particular group - there might be another group that proves to benefit from it. A lot of drugs work that way - they realize the positive side effects happening to another group and the drug then steers that direction. THis is not a scam - its an R&D company that has potential. The share price its worth is up to the people who buy it - not the company itself.


03/10/10 12:36 PM

#1239 RE: Camaro1093 #1230

"I have never owned Novelos, nor will I ever own Novelos"

So why did you become Mod? Why did you stay as Mod?

"it's a scam b/c the company got BMR to pump this stock"

Stock promotion is neither a crime nor a scam.

"they're trying to get the price up now by claiming the lawsuit is w/o merit"

Highly unlikely. They're defending the lawsuit because if they don't judgment in default will be entered against them. It's got nothing to do with the PPS. Companies defend lawsuits because that's the sensible thing to do, additionally it seems the claim is without merit!

"how can you think that the trial in breast cancer will be any different?"

Very simply. The trial was in respect of NSCLC which has its differences medically from the treatment of breast cancer. From all accounts the trials proved to be unsuccessful due to a dropping of the ball on the control arm. An easy thing to do but here's the point. NVLT were clearly looking after the control arm which is probably why what happened happened...and you say it's a scam?! You are joking, right? If it was a scam, they'd have hung the control arm out to dry as other bio-pharmas have done in the past. That's a sure way to get positive clinical trial results. It's hardly a scam to try and fail.

"why isn't green tea a blockbuster?"

You're kidding, right? Green tea is huge. It sells. Furthermore, and this is no B/S I know a guy who was ordered by his doctor to drink green tea after his cancer treatment and he says it worked to good effect.

Your point about Russia is about the only sensible thing I can find in your post and I don't think that will be enough to stop people from investing and speculating. There's real upside to this stock if you ask me and from the look of things NVLT mean business. JMO.