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03/09/10 7:55 PM

#118 RE: big oil #117

Ah Crud!, there's good and bad about playing a pattern. good when they work out, duhh bad if not. abet most do dang well..

But, today's gains just blew up.. After hours .92, I had figured if pass .80 that .90 was coming.. and sure enough..

Now the pattern has exceeded the cup top, .78, first target,, So a change in direction is in.. second target has hit too, .90

Which means what? 1.20? Maybe, just around the corner, after a little dip to check support.. Which,, once the S&P smacks 1,151,, it'll probably get shorted before it can pass that, right along with this bank checking, [back testing] support.. .. But I aint chasing it.. And that dip to .65 is unlikely.

apparently I got taken by a short ambush this morning, dang-it!

Anyways, I aint chasing it, that's the best way to get your behind handed to ya.. either it hits .65-7 on another short ambush or I'm moving on..

Me thinks, it's Time to find something else..

No love lost, made a few bucks,, and don't care what happens to it from here.. love not.. loose not.

Motivation: winter dips bring spring flips!,, there' another beat to heck stock out there, go find em!


03/10/10 11:02 AM

#119 RE: big oil #117

They've got a while before they'll have to be concerned about being over a buck ... The pass over .78 has caused a momentum breakout, that's all.. still on watch for the pull back as the S&P narrows into the double top.. Abet there could be some news hiding which cause the breakout yesterday, and if so, that's also causing support, drat the luck,, at 500 bucks a penny, yesterdays' short ambush got me good. Not that I lost anything, made decent bank, but Dang! I'd made a killing had I held..

next week or in 10 days the market ought to pick it's self up after the double top plays in, buying once that happens, not sure what buying but got several on watch for the top dip.