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03/08/10 7:07 PM

#262539 RE: Zephyr #262538

Yes and look at the "change" we got. If it doesn't work the first time, try and try again.
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03/08/10 7:15 PM

#262541 RE: Zephyr #262538

I meant more along the lines of candidates. It doesn't really matter how many people vote if you've got thing worth while to vote for. What I meant was more about seeing true third party candidates...and why stop at 3? why not 5 or 10? Why must it always be broken up into Republican or Democrats? Does that truly define who we are? The two party system is a contrived Machiavellian illusion created for the purpose of letting people think there is "choice" but when your menu has been whittled down to two much choice do you really have?

We don't even give third party candidates a place in debates or any TV air time. Ross Perot was the exception because he was rich enough to buy his way in...but I've seen stray dogs more qualified for public office than that moron...:-)

Now I must go eat...BBL:-D

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing; those who count the votes decide everything."
Joseph Stalin

"The United States has only one party - the property party. It's the party of big corporations, the party of money. It has two right wings; one is Democrat and the other is Republican."
Gore Vidal

"Our government will soon become what it is already a long way toward becoming, an elective dictatorship."
Senator J. William Fulbright