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Replies to #628 on The PennyShac
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08/25/02 1:24 PM

#629 RE: yayaa #628

As with all "..pennies.." (..trying to survive until they start repeat-selling their product(s) for a profit..), the TXMC O/S is obviously a factor. But, it's not obscene - when compared to a lot of the pie-in-the-sky "..vaporware.." companies out there.

I'm expecting to see significant News regarding equipment sales in the near term. The company has been working it's tush off, in conjunction with the Canadian Government and a private source, to pin down 100% performance bonds, etc., for their customers systems.

Since the "..full-time dedicated bashers..", who have been shown to have connections to some of the company's financiers and MFMMMs, haven't come up with anything to the contrary, I would tend to believe that those bonds may be in the bag. That being the case, it leaves just the customers and their bankers to sign off on the pending contracts.

IMHO, one or two closed deals will set off a rash of other closings, since Simpro and other associates have been marketing the stink out of the Tirex system worldwide.

Tirex had $100MM+ in LOIs and LOUs prior to the Y2K Alum Greenspurt-induced world economic collapse. Now that things appear to be on the mend, a lot of those orders should reappear. FYI: I was deeply involved in the Y2K fixes for some very large corporations, and Greenspurt went nuts/paniced at the end of '99 (..he's a totally e-Ignorant pencil jockey..) and hosed the USA bigtime. His interest rate juggling has been a massive cover up ever since. I'm truly surpirsed that someone who's been ruined hasn't taken the geriatric boob 'out' by now..!!

The environmental problem certinly hasn't gone away, only the project money did for a while.....!! That's as much as I can tell you from my POV.

I've done a lot of water/wastewater/enviro/etc. engineering firms - and trying to establish/permit a new landfill is a BLOODY (W)ITCH, aye.....

John :-)

Park your Sub at the iHub - Bub; ....the experience might just "...float your boat..." !!
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08/25/02 1:47 PM

#630 RE: yayaa #628


"...I've done a lot of work for water/wastewater/enviro/etc. engineering firms - and trying to establish/permit a new landfill is a BLOODY (W)ITCH, aye...".

Hence, getting the tires out of the landfills is a "..big deal.." and IMHO Tirex has the best processing system to help do that with. They are able produce very high quality/clean crumb.

New tires can be made with 20%+/- recycled crumb rubber, and Tirex has relationships with Continental, Michelin, Firestone, etc.

John :-)

Park your Sub at the iHub - Bub; ....the experience might just "...float your boat..." !!