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03/08/10 2:23 AM

#11903 RE: junewong #11902

A Few Tweets FYI

$EGMI. I am a big risk taker, won a lot, lost a lot, never had it stolen until this POS management robbed us. Want the US team OUT!!!!!!! 27 minutes ago via web

$EGMI Auditor and whistleblower should rot in hell. Ripley would not believe this story with real bad people in charge. 32 minutes ago via web

$EGMI with new management, shareholder watch dogs, we can come back a long way, if SEC stops trading until everything is out. 38 minutes ago via web

$EGMI shareholders should throw management out, US co-chairmen were hiding under the covers when the chit hit the fan, nowhere to be found. 40 minutes ago via web

$EGMI I have seen it all now. This disaster was caused by the 3 people in the US offices, should hang. One should not have been there. 41 minutes ago via web

$EGMI the management has raped their shareholders, need to tarred and feathered. I hope they get crushed. They conspired to screw us. 42 minutes ago via web

$EGMI from what I hear the money is there, the management sucks, the two chairmen are empty suits and have to go. 43 minutes ago via web