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Replies to #28571 on Bible (Bible)
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03/08/10 8:39 AM

#28586 RE: excel #28571

Greg / excel has put everything into prospective here and covered all that needs to be covered. However, sense i do post here and try and help out i will take a minute to say a couple things regarding myself. Well come on folks you know me and my big mouth would have to say something!...Right?...LOL

I have said it many times here before. I came to know Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior just 14 short years ago after living a very wicked life. I do NOT claim to be a Bible scholar...a authority on the Bible...any kind of a Holy man with all the answers. But i have come to learn and know much of Jesus and Gods Word as it is written in the past 14 years. And in ANY way that i can help answer a question or get information for more than happy to do so. I do try and let all my words be led by the Holy Spirit but yes sometimes i know my flesh speaks up as well..especially if the Lords name is in question!

I do ask that each of you to understand that excel and myself both have jobs....we work for a living. And Greg also has a family that he takes care of and spends time with. So often times after we get our Jesus time the morning and at night....(i have to look after my walk first)....and read over the post on the boards and post our own things of the Lord. Sometimes we are a little hard pressed to spend a lot of time in discussion and especially in "Argument". But as you know we do and will make the time and effort to help in any way that we can and especially if the Lords name is being dragged thru the mud in some way, shape or form!

I have also said here that in my 12 years of going to school...i didnt get a lot of book learning. But the Lord has blessed me in the sense that i have came a long way sense i have come to know him. So...when i can answer in my own words...when i can give my thoughts and beliefs in a way that i feel i am getting my point across...y'all know me...thats what i do...sometimes i go on and on and on...But that is just who i am...Hey...i learn as well from helping others. When i have to go and look and read and getting just as much from it as you me its just another form of Bible study for me. However, anytime that i can copy / paste something from a good and Godly resource..that i feel covers the question...thought....discussion...that is what ill do. 1st of all...if im bringing someone elses words to the board to give to you can believe that i have read or listened to them before i do that. And if i put that here it is because that is my belief as well. Im not going to post anything that is not also my belief! And to me most anyone can put the thought together better than i might so it just makes sense "sometimes" to do that....especally if im in a hurry!

So anyway.....we are here to help you in any way that we can...if we didnt want to do that we wouldnt be here in the 1st place. Just please remember....Be respectful to the people that come here that also believe what this board is about....and that is the Holy Bible is the unerring and infallible word of God. Many folks come here to get away from the daily grind of the wicked and sin filled world and they sure dont want to come here and have it in their face as well. And i sure dont want someone that is seeking and searching and may be drawn here to the road of salvation...and they leave because the crazy chirstians cant even get along with themselves!

So thats what is on my mind...have a great day serving Jesus!