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03/04/10 4:11 PM

#7033 RE: gambinilive #7032

Turn lemons into lemonade!
I absolutely meen NO offense to anyone, this is just my opinion
read below at your own risk. LOL

picture this:
you throw a pebble into the ocean. little or no ripples.

now watch the movie DEEP IMPACT.

get it?

you (we) are the pebble.

if you guys are day-swing traders, just go with the flow.
it works for me.
why waste your time sending worthless e-mails? by the time you write it, i could have turned a profit on a 10 minute trade.

this is just my opinion, and i feel your frustration but complaining will get you no where quick.


03/04/10 4:21 PM

#7034 RE: gambinilive #7032

The sec lol come on I see what's going on. It sucks but they would close down anx trading


03/04/10 4:35 PM

#7036 RE: gambinilive #7032

The SEC doesnt answer emails, they take your complaint and maybe investigate , they do not answer because their answer could be posted in public.
Have you got the automated email response ? Its all written in it !


03/04/10 4:42 PM

#7038 RE: gambinilive #7032

Its a big place and a big institution....and frankly, I don't see "action" coming, so....

I would advise everyone to write to Culley. His / OUR stock is being held down. If he doesn't care, he should. If he doesn't KNOW, he should.

I'd rather have him working on and with the FDA, which he probably is but, PPS and Co. value is important too...

But like Daddybird pointed out over on the Yahoo board....

Ichan is in a proxy fight for control of Genzym. MANY of Genzyms drugs have a distinct "problem" which ANX technology would SOLVE. Ichan's moving in on Genzym AND ANX... ergo....

Ichan gets control OF Genzym and buys ANX....but he gets ANX for NOTHING....because HE has held the ANX PPS DOWN....

.....and THAT.... is what I truly believe WE are up against....

ANX can keep on having great PR after great PR....and it will NEVER raise the PPS / value of our little biotech.....if Ichan and his BILLIONS and "agents".....keep holding the PPS down via BLATTENT manipulation.