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03/03/10 10:00 PM

#115335 RE: GimmeMore #115330

You're the stangest poster I've ever seen on IHub. You have good input. BUT, it's your tone

I completely agree. At times I think I'm reading a post of his that has genuine, well thought out input. But then come the condescending, sarcastic comments and the LOL's and I'm left with no choice but to disregard the entire message.

There are two types of message content I read on these boards (meaning all stock specific boards) that IMO ruin any chance of having a credible, adult conversation take place. The first is the type that I mentioned above. The second is the type that goes to the opposite extreme and come from over the top, WAY too exuberant posters. When they start talking about private islands, and exotic sports cars they will be buying with the proceeds they'll hopefully make from the stock I also have to disregard those entire messages for the same reasons.

Both kinds of messages do nothing to add intelligent, fact based conversation to the board. They aren't even good personal opinions because of the content in the messages. Both of those type messages push the envelope out past the extremes of what is considered meaningful, worthwhile information/discussion.

There are over 500 board mark's on this board and of those 500 there is probably less than 100 people that are either regular posters, or occasional posters. The rest that make up the bulk of the members here are just lurkers, and potential investors looking for helpful information. When they come across the type of messages I have alluded to they see a board that is spinning out of control in many respects.

As a member of the board I definitely want to hear ALL point's of view expressed, meaning both positive and negative messages. As long as both sides of the story are presented in a mature, well thought out manner, I'm all ears. But when what is written crosses over in to those extreme areas they become nothing more than a waste of space and not worth reading. IMO of course, but I think many here mirror that sentiment.
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03/03/10 10:27 PM

#115342 RE: GimmeMore #115330

I am "for" (inix) but it has become more of a "longer" term investment than I realized because I did my DD a bit after the buy. Now that I understand what can, what might and what will be realized near term/long , I just cannot justify what some say on here. I'd love to ride the pump and dump this but it just might have a chance to become a profitable company and move from the "penny players" realm - to the "Investors" world. I'll take the shot but when some "whatever" starts market playing the ask only to see "green" for the day, that makes me doubt more than look forward. From what I have read on here, if most havent "cashed out" on the "cause" then they will wait even longer for "what was" when the greased pig was supposed to escape. Listen, the short players lose when new interested money comes into an emerging growth equity. Question right now is can this equity grasp and maintain the growth with out the 300 dollar market buy end of day? I can get way more technical than that but this Barry charachter is trying to slam this health care bill on all of our heads and I have to go read up on the latest. Good Luck!