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03/03/10 12:17 AM

#26659 RE: The_Free_Nebula #26657

From I understand, test Drills alone are Big...Not really sure what the cost of an entire drill program. No credible info on that... Just Exagrerations...

My opinion is, by making the right moves and Proving the Property, things have a way. I just like the options we have and the fact that Katx is Doing things not talking about them.

Then there is vale etc.



03/03/10 12:45 AM

#26662 RE: The_Free_Nebula #26657

Yes we can, which is why we are going forth with it. I am not sure how much it will cost to do a drill program like the one we have planned, but it will mostlikely only cost a portion of that 5 million.

Mining, now thats a completely different story and something that would cost far more than we could afford. But of course we are a Mine Exploration company, not a mining company and we will JV for that.


03/03/10 2:42 AM

#26673 RE: The_Free_Nebula #26657

Here is my understanding from my digging :) ... as far as going to the Show with the Hand Camp data and the Twilite data is it better to get a JV now before drilling or to wait? Because we have all the money we digging led me to this conclusion that is the BIG QUESTION? the bottom line is ....we are bringing "all we got" and that will include Physical items....we will meet them privately .....Away from prying eyes....we will show and tell!............and then :) we will.......listen! ....In reality it all really all depends on them after seeing all we got! .....and I believe there is much more to this than what we saw..... I think if we do any partnerin up it will because something transpired like in the movie the God Father...."I am going to make you an offer you can’t refuse.........Personally I would rather we just drill first! in the several areas....with aprox 6 holes each ....I believe as soon as a hot spot is found the Money will just come pouring in to fund a massive drilling operation to get the best N-1 possible .....Now this N-1 will I believe be one of those that just over time adds more and more proven reserves........................THEN LET THE BIDDING BEGIN! .............HANCAMP IS NOT JUST A VEIN OF GOLD....................HAND CAMP IF YOU TRY TO VISUALISE A PLATE TURNED UP SIDE DOWN ...STACKED ONE ON TOP OF ANOTHER ON TOP OF ANOTHER ON TOP OF ANOTHER ...THAT IS WHAT VMS TYPES LOOK LIKE........"WHAT IS ON THE SURFACE IS THE SAME AS WHAT IS UNDERNEATH" A GOLDREN PIMPLE, ON TOP OF GOLDEN PIMPLE, ON TOP OF GOLDEN PIMPLE....yea yea yea I know what your gunna say "but bob it's got other metals too!!!!!" ...I know ....I just get all confused thinking about everything!....................we really have so much it is really hard to wrap your mind all around Everything at the same time..........and as far as a bad pr ...but I will ask Ken and see what he can do.. lol