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12/03/04 10:09 PM

#24554 RE: BondGekko #24553

yep I guess this is just a rumor too

Sibel Edmond Petition FBI Whistle Blower
To: United States Congress
To: All members of the Congress of the United States of America; all Senators and Members of the House of Representatives.

A Petition to require the immediate release of the entire report completed in July 2004 by the Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General (DOJ-IG) of its investigation into confirmed reports by FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, but which has remained classified; and further Petition that it be followed by a joint investigation by Congress, including open public hearings, into those reports of wrongdoing, criminal activities, and cover-ups against the security and interests of the United States and its citizenry.

The DOJ-IG began its investigation in March 2002, and at the request of Senators Grassley(R) and Leahy (D) promised expedited release in the Fall of 2002. In June 2002 the FBI, in unclassified Senate briefings, confirmed the validity of Ms. Edmonds reports (Attorney General Ashcroft in May 2004 retroactively classified information from these briefings and gagged the Congress, preventing further Congressional investigation and disclosure). Despite its promise of expedited release, the DOJ-IG repeatedly delayed completion of its report, and when after over two years completed it in July 2004, declared it entirely classified and has not released a single page to the public. Issues covered by the DOJ-IG investigation include; the cover-up of information and leads pre and post 9/11, under the excuse of protecting certain diplomatic relations; espionage activities within (but not limited to) the FBI & Department of Defense; cases of intentional blocking and mistranslation of crucial intelligence by FBI translators and management.

The FBI and the Department of Justice have engaged in a relentless effort to withhold this information in order to prevent public awareness and thus avoid accountability, and in so doing are placing the security of the nation at risk. In this regard ranking Senate Judiciary Committee members Grassley(R) and Leahy (D) have stated: “We fear that the designation of information as classified in these cases serves to protect the executive branch against embarrassing revelations and full accountability. Releasing declassified versions of these reports, or at least portions or summaries, would serve the public’s interest, increase transparency, promote effectiveness and efficiency at the FBI, and facilitate Congressional oversight.” Given the seriousness of Ms. Edmonds’ reports and in the best interests of the security of the country, it is imperative that information contained in the DOJ-IG report be made available to the public. It is incumbent upon the Congress to exercise its oversight responsibilities and authority as the representatives of the people of the United States, therefore:

We, the undersigned, now call upon the Congress to require the immediate release of the entire DOJ-IG report of its investigation, and to open a joint investigation into all related issues, with open hearings before the people of the United States.


The Undersigned