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03/02/10 12:05 PM

#3087 RE: Chivito #3084

It can go to zero if they cancel shares.

This is stuck in the middle of two scenerios. The extreme good and the extreme bad.
I gave you my short term scenerio.

When you here things like screwing your retirees out of healthcare benefits it makes you wonder how much they care about the common shareholder especially for the sake of painting profitable numbers. It should piss everyone off that companies can get away with talk like that after people were assured these benefits while working their asses off their entire live so these greedy SOBs can live high on the hog.

The creditors and noteholders want you and I out and they want the whole pie going forward.

It's all about big money......our job is to except the fact that these shares may become worthless and keep that in the back of your mind and then milk the swings for all the money you can make.
All these BK stock do the same thing.....
Someone makes a killing off the initial run up and then they swing back and forth indefinitely till they figure out if you lucked out holding or you are screwed.

Don't ask me no more question, some people here want me to leave.