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12/03/04 8:10 AM

#24506 RE: BondGekko #24505

You can't stump me on anything. Period


12/03/04 8:12 AM

#24508 RE: BondGekko #24505

Karl W. B. Schwarz has “the smoking guns!”

This Is URGENT that you pass this around for others!!!!
Karl W. B. Schwarz has the The Smoking Guns

A Christian Republican Speaks out.. The Smoking Gun
Power Point Presentation by Karl W. B. Schwarz

A must hear take the time to listen very carefully and take note, he
has the smoking guns! This was taped in October he has many more,

This is his home page tons of information

This was the demand letter he sent to Bush Kerry The RNC, DNC, and
media. He sent it before the election. With The PPT
Demand Letter Sent To Bush By Corp CEO
America demands the TRUTH and not after the elections; this nation
demands the truth from you RIGHT NOW! This letter and an identical
email will be going out to hundreds of thousands by me, millions by
others. The following content was sent to the White House by
facsimile earlier today from Ground Zero in New York City.

Demand Letter Sent To
Bush By Corp CEO
From Karl W. B. Schwarz
President, Chief Executive Officer
Patmos Nanotechnologies, LLC

By Email, By Facsimile to White House

Mr. President,

I am a Conservative Christian Republican that has no intentions of
voting for you in this year's election and many other Conservative
Republicans are following me.

America demands the TRUTH and not after the elections; this nation
demands the truth from you RIGHT NOW! This letter and an identical
email will be going out to hundreds of thousands by me, millions by
others. The following content was sent to the White House by
facsimile earlier today from Ground Zero in New York City.

1. I demand as an American citizen that you lift the "gag order" on
Sibel D. Edmonds and let Americans know what foreign names and what
AMERICAN NAMES she uncovered in her FBI translations that were
involved in drug trafficking, money laundering and the financing of 9-
11. Her facts and your "official story" lies do not add up. Americans
demand the truth on that matter before the election.

2. I demand to know what energy companies were in that Cheney Energy
Task Force meeting and what discussions there were as to the steps
that would be taken to remove the Taliban and Bridas Corporation as
the last remaining obstacle to the United States controlling the
Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline. I met that company in 1999 and have known
since then about the Bridas v Unocal, $15 billion interference of
contract lawsuit in US District Court, Southern District of Texas. I
also know about the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals decision on
September 9, 2003 that upheld the Bridas $500 million arbitration
settlement and the March 22, 2004 denial of Writ of Certiorari at the
United States Supreme Court, Case 03-1018, Turkmenneft v Bridas.

3. I demand to know how many prisoners are being held at GITMO and
other places that are either BRIDAS EMPLOYEES or are persons that
know all about Bridas Corporation and what your administration did to
get control of that Trans-Afghanistan pipeline.

4. I demand to know how many board meetings Condoleezza Rice and
Thomas Kean sat in on at Chevron and Amerada Hess where it was
discussed how they were going to deal with making the billions
in "Big Oil" investments into a land locked Caspian Basin and how to
get rid of the Taliban and Bridas so they could turn those
investments into cash flow. How many times did Big Oil ask for
military force to complete a commercial transaction they could not
get under their control, and on what exact date did you agree to
provide such military force - prior to 9-11? Isn't it true Mr. Bush
that the Cheney Energy Task Force discussed that attack on
Afghanistan and removal of the Taliban / Bridas obstacle once and for
all - and did so well in advance of 9-11?

5. I demand to know why you appointed 10 persons to the 9-11
Commission, 8 of which are directly benefiting by the Taliban /
Bridas "contract" obstacle being removed - breached with military
force, and the big Caspian Oil deals that are now coming to market.
No, America does not 'thank you' for that nor do we hold such
despicable conduct up high.

6. I demand to know what US Oil Company stepped up as the sponsor of
that OPIC and Asia Development Bank funded Trans-Afghanistan pipeline
and what US company is constructing that pipeline right now, and what
US firms are supplying the key components and their relationship to
your administration.

7. I demand that you identify the company and persons who were going
around Bridas to be "natural gas suppliers" to the US owned natural
gas electrical generation plants in Pakistan (Dynegy -
Illinova /Tenaska, El Paso (2 OPIC financed transactions) and others.

8. I demand to know why you have not been truthful with the American
public that your GWOT and military policy are protecting the Caspian
Basin Oil and Gas deals for many of your Bush Pioneers, some $9.6
trillion in oil and about $3 trillion in natural gas, now mostly in
the hands of your elite wealthy contributors and some elite Liberals
to keep this all quiet.

9. I demand to know what role the post-bankruptcy ENRON (Prisma
Energy International, Cayman Islands) is playing in the Caspian Basin
area, the same Enron that uses the law firm of Mayer Brown Rowe & Maw
[Richard Ben Veniste, 9-11 Commission] that established the offshore
SPE's for assets that were never under the jurisdiction of the U.S.
Bankruptcy Court.

10. I demand to know why you appointed Richard Ben Veniste to the 9-
11 Commission when it was his law firm that was stalling Bridas
Corporation at the Fifth Circuit US Court of Appeals in the matter of
Bridas Corporation v. Turkmenneft and his law firm is directly
involved in Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan and
your administration.

11. I demand to know the exact date of the order that had our
military practicing in early 2001 the invasion of Afghanistan to take
out the Taliban and Bridas Corporation and make that pipeline under
control of US interests, many of your Bush Pioneers, and the exact
date that our military started practicing and preparing for that

12. I demand to know who Remington Holdings Ltd is, and Western
Acquisitions, Inc, both Baker & Botts clients and the lucky
recipients of OPIC financing to acquire oil and gas deposits in

Who are the parties involved in those entities by name and benefited
from such governmental magnanimity? Is this transaction a payoff?
Since American taxpayers are footing the bill, we have the right to
know - right now.

13. I demand to know why you could not find 10 people to sit on the 9-
11 Commission that are not directly benefiting from the actions you
have taken and the lives you have cost or otherwise ruined. Why would
you select people not motivated to find the truth for that would
impact "their bottom line"?

14. I demand a full disclosure from your administration as to the
Citibank / IFTRIC / OPIC / Export-Import Bank financing of American /
Israeli based deals in Islamic nations on behalf of your major
campaign contributors.

"IFTRIC and Citibank have an agreement allowing Citibank to finance
approved IFTRIC-backed transactions. Citibank Israel CEO Nandan Mar
said: 'The Citibank branch, and the Structured Trade Finance Group,
view IFTRIC's program as a basic product for the bank's domestic

I see distinct differences between "terrorism" and "outrage" (Shurtan
II) at your policies.

15. I demand to know why you wanted an entire new division of the CIA
for Argentina. As an American citizen I take umbrage to your
belligerence towards a nation that is not an enemy of the United
States by any stretch of the imagination, except possibly yours. It
is abundantly clear that your intentions were solely to intimidate
Argentina and Argentina based Bridas Corporation into silence and
that is NOT AMERICA. That has every appearance of the United States
acting as the terrorist and a state sponsor of terrorism. Yes, you
are wrapped in a flag but I clearly see that it is not the one you
purport it to be.

16. I demand to know why your administration has never disclosed that
DynPort Vaccine, LLC, owned by DynCorp and now owned by Computer
Sciences Corporation, a Bush Pioneer, is a possible source for where
the weaponized Ames Strain of anthrax came from that was used against
this nation. How did your administration manage to miss one of your
campaign contributors and a company doing large volumes of business
with your administration and even being known euphemistically
(DynCorp) as The Mercenary Company? Who put that Contract on America?

17. I demand to know how you can claim a pretense of being a
Christian while sponsoring and condoning the torture of prisoners,
including sodomizing children, at Abu Ghraib prison.

18. I demand to know how your administration can send firms overseas
as "representatives of this nation" that were convicted of running a
flesh trade in little girls in Bosnia, specifically one DynCorp.
Convicted in Texas and the United Kingdom according to reports I have
seen and apparently detested in Afghanistan. You do recall that
DynCorp is the company providing security to protect your puppet
Karzai in Afghanistan and your other puppet Zalmay Khalilzad is
deterring anyone from running for President in that bogus "free"

19. I demand to know why your administration keeps running the name
and photos of Adnan G. El Shukrijumah as the "dirty bomb boogeyman"
and on March 25, 2003 the FBI knew exactly where to find him and did
not go after him. That telephone call was made from my telephone by a
Canadian friend that was in Little Rock on that date, Mr. Bush, so do
not pretend "national security" with me.

I am "first person" on this matter and all of America deserves to
know the extent that your administration has been and is lying to us
all - and someone that is not Al Qaeda is probably "dropping a
suspect name" as they set up a dirty bomb attack. Sure have pushed up
the oil and gas prices with your strategy though, guess we can
consider that another "Mission Accomplished".

20. I demand to know why your administration keeps referring to Adnan
G. El Shukrijumah as a "Saudi" when the FBI knows full well he is not
Saudi. His family is from Guyana in South America and they have lived
in Florida since 1986 without incident. His grandparents were from
Yemen, moved long ago to South America and his mother is from
Trinidad & Tobago.

21. I demand to know why you alerted India, Pakistan and "Axis of
Evil" member Iran of your intentions to attack the Taliban / Bridas
well before 9-11, and not notify the citizens of this nation. That
matter was reported on June 26, 2001 in India newspapers.

22. I demand to know the exact date that the first meeting, first
page of the Patriot Act was started by your administration.

23. I demand to know why it is you, your backers, certain Democrats
that apparently "hate our freedoms" more than these purported GWOT
Islamic fundamentalists, hence the Patriot Act that treats all
Americans with the same degree of contempt and disdain you treat all
non-wealthy Americans.

24. I demand to know why Homeland Security is protecting this
government and not protecting this nation.

25. I demand to know why any dissent or objections to your Orwellian,
imperialistic, pro-corporate agenda is referred to the Homeland
Security Counter-Terrorism Division.

26. I demand to know why you defile everything you touch and try to
twist it into something that is pro-Bush Backers and anti-American
citizens and then try to alter our rights as Americans via Patriot
Act measures that are designed to force America into submission and
does nothing to protect this nation, only this government.

27. I demand to know why your administration is planning a "pro-Bush
Pioneers pharmaceutical program" derived from TMAP (Texas Medical
Algorithm Project) and PENNMAP (Tom Ridge, Pennsylvania) to have
Americans tested under guidelines prepared by your Bush Pioneers and
force psychotropic drugs on Americans.

28. I demand to know why your administration keeps injecting our
troops with an anthrax vaccine known to be deadly and harmful to the
health of our soldiers and now apparently wish to inject that into
all Americans under Project BioShield and martial law. Is that why
you have no concern whatsoever for the 3 million jobs lost, for
between your TMAP lunacy and Project BioShield lunacy, well over 3
million Americans could perish if the same statistical rates hit the
general population as has hit our military? Can you explain away
Holocaust with "brilliant strategy policy" driven by unmitigated

29. I demand to know why Li Ka-shing was denied Global Crossing on
national security grounds (very public) yet allow him in the back
door in Savi Technology (not disclosed), the RFID technology company
that is purportedly protecting our ports from insertion of a nuclear
bomb into this nation via "ocean going containers". How many doors
are left wide open by your administration in this GWOT Fable?

30. I demand to know why you search the world for mythical terrorists
and cannot find robber barons and financial terrorist right under
your nose. That many of them are Bush Pioneers and even backers of
the Democratic Party, and have plundered the investors, workers and
citizens of this nation, is very apparent to Americans and not very
pro-family on your part.

Christians do not lie, Mr. Bush, for that is an affront to God. A
Christian would not willfully mislead this nation, nor send our
troops into Harm's Way for a lie while your wealthy contributors take
over a $9.6 trillion oil, $3.0 trillion natural gas deal and already
maneuvering for Africa. You are proving to the world that you are
terrified of the truth and have impeded every investigation into the

Your actions prove that you are not an upstanding Christian, nor are
you a Conservative Republican worthy of that designation.

Your position as President does not make you unaccountable to the
citizens of this nation, nor does it entitle you to act as a tyrant,
an emperor, or serving only those Americans that dole out money for
your political ambitions and agendas. I see no "stewardship" in your
conduct whatsoever.

You have "Mission Accomplished" three times - the removal of
Taliban / Bridas to control that pipeline, radically escalated the
price of oil and gas for some of your major backers, and the death
and maiming of many due to your lies. Your "Iraq Strategery" makes
perfect sense to me, since all of you needed a diversion away from
Afghanistan, the Caspian Basin and what you did to Bridas Corporation
to get control of that $9.6 trillion in oil, $3 trillion in natural

Go back home and wrap yourself in the flag of Texas and the shame you
alone are responsible for creating. Your resume is your doing and
yours alone.

If you were running against me this year, you would not have the guts
to stay on the stage in a debate with me.

Shame on all of you, both sides of the aisle that have lied to
America and gotten so many killed and maimed for a lie, and no, I am
not an antiwar person. Just adamantly opposed to what you stand for,
for that is lower than Clinton on his worst day.


Karl W. B. Schwarz
President, Chief Executive Officer
Patmos Nanotechnologies, LLC

My Note***. I knew by my research that the government was behind 911,
but I did not know all the real details why. The information here
closes all the gaps for me. I have researched for over a year, 8,
sometimes 12 hours a day reading everything I could get my hands on
and watching what was also happening to the world. Was I shocked when
I saw this information, no. It all fit. Ask yourself. What will it
take to take this deep wide spread coruption of our government and
throw them all out? How this will be done is way beyond what we
have as citizens, except for going to the streets in huge mass
protest. It will take each and everyone of us to say NO MORE!