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12/03/04 6:28 AM

#24490 RE: BondGekko #24487

planes did hit the building both were involved.. explosives and planes.
I never said that the planes didn't hit the building. shezzzz


12/03/04 7:20 AM

#24494 RE: BondGekko #24487

Spree, I am going to challenge you. I want to your read everything Karl W. B. Schwarz has written. I want you to listen to his webcasts, dig around on the net for them. I want you to dig on Ihub for everything that has been posted with his name. I want you to order his book. I want you to dig in his website . Now after you do all that I want you to get back to me on what you find. use google also use . Also the same with Sibel Edmonds. Until you do your own research..your own, not mine you will not understand what has been uncovered. While you are at it. Read this petition very carefully and sign it, it just went up a few days ago.
Thanks be brave let us know what you find.

**I have this video on order. I was instructed by Karl Schwarz to view this video this film Treason Inc. is supposed to be the best footage of film. He told me it wasn't as commercialized as In Plane Site.


also here is a couple of sites that Karl sent me

Notice FEMA pictures