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02/27/10 12:26 AM

#63340 RE: ICEQUITY #63338


I hear all that you said and mostly agree here with one exception...

When you stated that if HESG were spreading rumors, wouldn't they have alerted you. Well, in truth, I would say no. You have established yourself as someone who is a cheerleader for the company, therefore, people would be less likely to believe the news coming from you.
Now if Eric or Tradr suddenly post an email from the company speaking of good things, well then, that would be somewhat more compelling.

Keep up the good work!


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02/27/10 12:49 AM

#63341 RE: ICEQUITY #63338

It hasn't held anything! .0001 is holding strong to you? What makes you so special for HESG to let you in on a rumor? I'm sure the company knows that you have no credibility with Ihub anyway, that's if you sign your emails with your Ihub alias. They haven't even put out a single press release in months and have no revenue and you are saying uplisting to OTCBB. Look at Pinksheets and that great big SKULL AND CROSSBONES. They said they were looking to uplist in one of their first PRs and that was when they were Pinksheets limited. Now they are Skull and Crossbones. They have never put out financials. They increased the A/S to 20 billion while saying they retired 2 billion shares. How does that not raise red flags for you. They said current SS at the end of January and have not PRed since. How does that not raise red flags for you. They barely ever answer emails and supposedly Tom quit because he couldn't handle it and now the IR guy is CEO and his grammar in emails is horrible. That doesn't raise red flags for you. The price has dropped to .0001 and that does not raise red flags for you. When ST and Ameritrade put out restrictions the company was trying to get people to change brokers so they could sell more shares to you knowing what was about to happen.

Everything you say is just speculation. ALWAYS! I have a gut feeling that you were the culprit for the fake website. You have some fetish with Willie Nelson and you are the only one that has ever posted about him. I am not sure how you sleep at night.