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02/24/10 2:34 PM

#2286 RE: rozzy #2285

Studying every tick of the tape, and watching the stock like a hawk, your right Hermso, It has the signs of controlled dumping, not even so much bid whacking but somebody wanting to sell 50-75,000 shares on a daily basis regardless of anything else, it's really killing investor sentiment, chart fundamentals, and I sure hope somebody reads this and stops, because they are screwing themselves too, if they spook investors, like they are on the verge of doing, those investors are not coming back, they are gone for good! Your going to have to dump 10x that amount to get the same price, so whoever the hell it is we all suggest you stop! Or things are about to get ugly! It's gotten me to the point where I don't even want to look at the stock price anymore, whats the point if it is all futile, all for none? I can understand if the company needs to raise money and sells a few shares here and there, but consistent pressure is not the way to treat Investors, and I hope they have enough common sense not to do that, and it is some rouge rebellious promoter like you say Hermso. All we can do now is sit back and see what the future brings... I'm still long and bullish, GL all. It just serves myself and us all no purpose not to acknowledge something is amiss... No-matter if your a long term investor, short term speculator, or whatever, turning a blind eye, and just believing everything said while the stock does the total opposite is just insanity. I believe yes, I'm still on board, yes, but something is not right. Stock should not perform like this, especially with higher volume and good news, someone put a ceiling on the stock and is liquidating all they got, I hope CBIS knows who it is and cuts them off before they destroy all what they worked so hard to build.
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02/25/10 9:30 AM

#2301 RE: rozzy #2285

Well said Roz!

I am always posting my thoughts on how ivnestors at this level often get confused between what is a real investment and what is a flip trade. Once they determine that a company like CBIS is a buy and hold situation, there are still those relapses that so many people will experience when their thought process reverts back to the flipping mentality.
When you know you have a great investment that you are sitting on, it is important to remember that a few ticks down will mean nothing when the big news begins to hit the wires! Today's news being a predlude to that kind of press.



ps-I was speaking generally as you seem to have it all down cold!