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02/24/10 12:19 PM

#65 RE: robjer #64

Ah, look at it this way: There are dozens of posters over there that are doing a happy dance because you sold early!! Think of the lives you have enriched today! On the other hand, should the price fall back to $.42, I am sure you will happily announce your return to the stock!! LOL!! Gotta love message boards.

What does Mark know and do I trust his words? Straight up - I only know that Mark has been correct a couple of times with comments about what will happen, and one was indeed a very major event. He obviously had caught wind of that one early, that Sinopec/Addax were partnering up with ERHC. I was in a chat room when it was delivered by him shortly before it became real.

Having said that, he has on numerous, numerous other occasions been about as accurate as weathermen. Do I believe him? I think it is possible what he is saying, yes. For sure, he puts his reputation on the line this time, as this is as bold as it gets, and he would need to do some serious rewinding if he is wrong. Am I buying on his words? LOL!!! Of course not. Will I sell into this? Not at the moment. If it crumbles back to $.50 and sits, I am okay missing a swing here. But should it continue up to $.70ish, I may be far more willing to take some off the table.

I have a little trouble reading Mark some times. He is a very proud guy who usually seems to have the best interests of the board, but also has had way too many missed messages/predictions/news elements to say with certainly he is accurate about this.

It's always a crap shoot, as you well know.

Wit the way this one moves up and down so easily, buys in the mid $.40s and under are usually good for a return somewhere down the road. This is a very active time in the company's life, and volatility could present some nice trading. Don't lose touch of the stock and buy under $.45, would be my suggestion.

But yeah, sometimes it takes holding your nose to do it.


02/24/10 3:32 PM

#67 RE: robjer #64

I think someone can eat his hat right now