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12/01/04 12:46 PM

#48415 RE: neye_eve #48413

It depends on the requirements for financial analysis...if you are using large databases I would think you would benefit from 64 bit...I do think this is a transitional product that it will basically be almost free a year from now compared to what 32 bit processors are selling at today...


12/01/04 1:43 PM

#48427 RE: neye_eve #48413

not aware of any core applications that are moving to 64 bit, or need to be. I have no idea when/if any of the existing software will move to 64bit, and hardware/software just isn't the hold up in our business practices - if there is a charge for the upgrade, there is no chance we'd do so.

Well, at least by the end of 2006, not before :) Gamers - that is where you will see it first.
