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08/20/02 9:28 PM

#17684 RE: AKvetch #17683

have you thought of the effect on the saudi family if they can't collect oil revenue? that regime is hanging on by a thread, they will not shut off supply to their biggest customer.

they can't afford to.


08/20/02 10:43 PM

#17694 RE: AKvetch #17683

If Saudis cut back oil export drasticly, the economic effect would be depression and unrest in Saudi Arabia. It would be hard to imagine what product the know-nothing-except-hard-core-wahabism Saudi youth can really make on their own besides oil export, in order to exchange for necessary items such as water and fruits from the rest of the world.


08/20/02 11:57 PM

#17711 RE: AKvetch #17683

AKvetch, re: oil embargoes: it wouldn't be pretty, but, we've survived it before and we'll survive it again, if we have to.

anyway, US energy factors have redistributed quite substantially in the last 25 years. the majority of imported oil product is refined for transportation and chemicals, while most electrical power for industry and residential use is generated via domestic coal, hydro, NG and nukes.

the thing is, for every 10,000 morons living life at 5mpg, there are 2 very smart humans compensating w/their 100,000mpg brain power. the result is a slim bias in favor of survival for a few more years rather then an immediate plunge into entropic heat death.

that ratio isn't fair, of course, but that's life here on earth.


08/21/02 8:49 AM

#17772 RE: AKvetch #17683

I think the economic effect will be equally big on them as well, no. I mean they don't have much revenue source other than oil, do they?