I did review the last year. I will be cutting items from the list and have added a few more as well.
I needed to start somewhere. I started making a list of projects and wanted to keep my notes organized. I noticed there were many things from the past that IMO need a status update.
I don't plan on submitting my letter in the format shown here. I think asking about an update for each potential project to date is valid.
Those projects being; Death Valley Junction, Permian Sea Algae Farm, Russell Industries - Houston project, The Lake Elsinore Project , Algae farms in South Korea, Algae Biofuel project in China, Bio-Diesel Algae farm in Nevada for construction fleet, ten acre Inner Mongolia project, ENTK - North Las Vegas, Nevada, Leona Valley, California and BEHL's very own Santa Ana build.
Also I would like to know the current status of patents. How many provisional apps have been filed? for equipment and Algae strains.
Is there an update on the application process for additional ALGAE research and development grant money for the company?
How many license agreements (VAR) program participants are there to date?
I'd also like to see a list of all current employees and positions.
thank you for your input Carnac