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02/19/10 11:42 PM

#2944 RE: sensible #2925

Thanks for that... I have and arguing some of the ludicrous unstubstantiated claims one @ a time is a ridiculous waste.

If we could cut and past from Adobe files it would save a lot of time and a lot of the BS claims would vanish.

So do the sensible thing everybody and read all the filings for both issues then think and decide for your self what the truth is!

Do not rely on what you read on these message boards... especially now... and especially on the messages that would make the decision for you!



PS... Have a great week end!

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02/20/10 8:49 AM

#2950 RE: sensible #2925

your quote "are in discussions to extend it." & if they are not extended or an injunction is placed on it prior to October, thus no need to file that now where does the money come from to replace those shares. As we know from those same filings MEDT has none! Now the free trading shares that MEDT holds of any company they are more than legally able to sell them to raise capitol, notice I said legally.

I posed a question last night that was never answered. What if 1-2 or 3 shareholders of MEDT has let's say 20-30-40+ million shares (free trading btw) that they could sell all the way back to trips & still make a profit how much would that shell be worth or would it just be just another water dish. Now another thought if that same company was perhaps shorted during that sell off, would that company survive, because if it did not even those shorted shares would never have to be replaced! A very smart trader may know how to do just that, just a thought!