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02/19/10 6:03 PM

#4406 RE: gktignol #4405


Integral Technologies should be receiving their invitation to the event within the next few days. I believe they may be unaware they are invited.

The person I spoke with was emphatic ITKG is on the list of the "Best and Brightest" through a rating process, possibly by their peers. The number of patents they own and the number of applications they have is the only thing that landed them on the list if I understood the gentleman correctly.

MDB Capital knows nothing of the financials, or the history of the Principals or the products: that is for the individual investor to obtain.

You make the list 'cause ya got the goods, or the possibility to make the goods.

I just thought it important that MDB Capital hear from someone other than a negative poster. I was emphatic with the person I spoke with that I hoped ElectriPlast will prove itself to the world. I also told that person that if it went belly up, so much for that and I'd move on to something else with my play money.


02/19/10 7:13 PM

#4409 RE: gktignol #4405

Actually I think it was I who took the initiative gk.

Your just chosing to give CML credit because he supports your point of view.

I will ask you again, but of course the posters know you won't respond, but here goes anyway.

What ITKG products, after 14 years, do you have proof will disrupt the market?

Tells us which products in the market that Electriplast can outperform?