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02/18/10 9:41 PM

#1942 RE: newtechinvestor #1941

Actually more buying than selling today, but HDSN seemed to have alot of shares to sell at .43. Also getting very sick of this trading range . . .


02/18/10 11:18 PM

#1943 RE: newtechinvestor #1941

Looks to me like the accountants have shown everthing possible to destroy as much shareholder equity as possible. Once the Liars errr.. lawyers get done with it they will get the other 188 million thats still left showing as equity. As if it isn't enough to have the U.S Govt. and the Bondholders steal the first 200 million. What the H... is this item showing up as other 123million in liabilities, what is other?????? 106million already in place for enviromental liabilities and bondholders say they are going to come up with 115 million ....sounds more like 9 million to me. Where is Equity Committiees alternative to all of this crap before the 100s of lawyers eat it all. Typical B/K, rich stealing from the poor. Oh and BTW the Judge still gets his. We are down to just over 4 bucks a share now and we started out at almost 12...... Cmon E/C lets move on the plan get back to at least 6 bucks, IMO
