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02/17/10 3:00 PM

#10288 RE: mashupotatoes #10287 link to tak shun (somehow I got a comma at the end of the link in the previous post).

should be

Chance To See

02/17/10 9:39 PM

#10322 RE: mashupotatoes #10287

Manufacturers. This is from Kevin’s opening remarks in the Q2 2009 transcript.

Number Three, in beefing up our infrastructure and moving forward: enhanced manufacturing. This is a critical point as we discuss our infrastructure. As we attract new enterprise-level relationships, capacity and price have become even more critical. Over the past three months we have established relationships with three additional outsourced manufacturing partners, which have permitted us to materially lower our product cost and potentially triple our capacity to provide greater flexibility to accommodate both large-scale runs and short-term turn-around projects. One group is who we have worked closely with in the past. Another group was introduced to EGC by our partner, Sovereign Game Card. And the third group is vertically integrated with our own marketing services and channels and distribution. These relationships have given our firm the opportunity to expand our addressable market even further given the substantially lower cost of production.

On average, we can now produce a base-model EGC game card at 25% to 35% less expensive than in the past on relatively low production runs. With larger orders and potentially with less security features we will likely see even further reductions in cost. This development is highly material for the lottery market as well as certain mass consumer promotional opportunities.

With these meaningful structural moves in place, let me recap. New CFO, new headquarter office in Southern California with slight increase in staffing, new website, new brand, new partnerships, new lower pricing on EGC game cards, and expanded manufacturing capacity. We are fully prepared to handle our expected growth.