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02/15/10 10:21 AM

#2507 RE: ghostsharesfromhell #2506

Yes ghost....they went silent after a 504 placement...any ready


07/02/10 11:45 AM

#2508 RE: ghostsharesfromhell #2506

This stock was delisted by the SEC and went private due to the selling of millions of unregistered naked shares. The only legitimate shares in large quantities that I know about are owned by Dr. Wade, the Sultan of Oman, and me. Dr Wade, a 49% stock holder and President of the Company, refuses to report anything to his two other large stockholders, the Sultan of Oman who owns 49%, and me who owns 2%. The naked and unauthorized shares appear to have been issued by a temporary president of the company. He was fired by Dr. Wade. The real and original shares might be valuable for control of the company. The large lots of shares traded later were fraudulent and intended to harm the company for a takeover attempt. Basically, there are only about 50,000,000 real issued shares. The other authorized shares were not legally issued for sale.
All that I know is that the company had 13 employees at one time, and Dr. Wade had assigned his valuable patent rights for shale oil extraction equipment to the company. Dr. Wade might live in Beverly Hills, CA. USCI might own a number of secondary producing wells in Californis.


10/31/19 9:36 PM

#2516 RE: ghostsharesfromhell #2506

"I bought my shares when it was listed on pinksheets. I also heard that the shares i have are phantom shares/ naked shorts. Do you have the same problem? Do I have the wrong info?" etrade wanted to take my 25m u s crude shares just now!! wonder if it was nssed!???