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02/13/10 5:12 PM

#23333 RE: gump90 #23329

gump-Yes, you are right imo - common sense dictates that there ARE a lot of "if's", contingencies, and alternatives which will play out over time.

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02/13/10 5:35 PM

#23338 RE: gump90 #23329 far your best post. I might differ though in the hand Ken is holding....
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02/13/10 6:40 PM

#23352 RE: gump90 #23329

gump90... Your post makes a lot of sense... Apparently, this is not your first rodeo... and I essentially agree, .... I am in the camp that believes KATX has the goods!... :) GLTY
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02/13/10 7:33 PM

#23357 RE: gump90 #23329

Very nice posting--and very well thought out as you posted---I am a retired nyse/nasd broker/trader and you are quite correct on your call here---I am long , but only for a couple grand at a nickle----

thx for the post
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02/13/10 7:59 PM

#23361 RE: gump90 #23329

An informative post. Congratulations.
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02/13/10 10:04 PM

#23379 RE: gump90 #23329

He is right in so many way's.... "Sent By: birdmanbob4

.."Here is some logic based on the 60 years I have had in this exploration business. And of course some common sense that all of us have. Re the Lucky property. At this time there is no one on the planet who knows just what this property is worth. A realistic buy-out price as is where is right now is only a geological opinion by the geo who gives that opinion. Vale are the big pros. Their price will be low-ball .. of course. So if they do approach KAT, Kat will try to boost them. In my opinion were I in Stead's position and I really thought highly of the property I wouldn't make a deal at all right now. I'd gamble and see if I could enhance the property .. learn more about it first. Now if I could get Vale to pay for all of the new development work and give KAT a free ride from here out I would ask for a big work commitment for 2010 for them to start to earn into the Lucky Property. You have all seen 'Earn-in' deals. These are not Joint Ventures. One simple way might be to say to Vale .. spend X dollars over a period of Y years and earn your way into Z percent interest in the property. And for this pay KAT Q dollars for the opportunity to do that. This is the way I see that it might go if indeed Vale is interested. But first I am pretty sure that Vale would ask for a free period to see all the data and visit the property ( seen best after the snow has melted ). Or they could say here's $10,000 to hold it open for us until the snow melts and we get time to see it properly. Sometimes if an area is hot the big guy will do that. These big companies with perhaps the exception of Tech though are ultra conservative, cheap, and slow to move. To conclude .. Vale has the Lucky surrounded but they do not have it secured for them. However it is still a raw prospect and if they are not concerned that someone else will move in, there won't be much of a deal they will want to make for the Lucky right now. All bets are off however if the area really heats up and properties become attractive. I don't think that will happen now. Vale has everything tied up and won't be telling anyone what they are finding. KAT has to get in and start opening up those showings or start drilling on them. Vale may just decide to sit them out. These big guys are NOT benevolent. And they have time and money on their side along with experienced hard-nosed negotiators. Stead has to match these if he can play in that league. He's holding a good hand but really not a strong one. Vale can just sit". ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ "A realistic buy-out price as is where is right now is only a geological opinion by the geo who gives that opinion. Vale are the big pros".............SOUNDS GOOD TO ME ................................................................................................................................ "Their price will be low-ball .. of course".........A CONTRACT IS A CONTRACT.............................................................................................................................................. "So if they do approach KAT, Kat will try to boost them"...........AND THAT WILL REQUIRE A CONTRACT :)........................................................................................................................................ "were I in Stead's position and I really thought highly of the property I wouldn't make a deal at all right now"........[color=red]UNLESS THEY WERE BIG ENOUGH TO MAKE KEN AN OFFER HE COULD NOT REFUSE[/color].............................................................................. "Now if I could get Vale to pay for all of the new development work and give KAT a free ride from here out I would ask for a big work commitment for 2010 for them to start to earn into the Lucky Property"[/b[color=red]]....THIS STATMENT COULD NOT BE DONE WITH OUT SOME KIND OF CONTRACT![/color].............................................................................. "One simple way might be to say to Vale .. spend X dollars over a period of Y years and earn your way into Z percent interest in the property"[[color=red]]........CANT BE DONE WITH OUT A CONTRACT OF SOME KIND! [/color]......................................................................... "I would ask for a big work commitment for 2010 for them to start to earn into the Lucky Property".....AGAIN THIS WOULD TAKE A CONTRACT !...................................................................... "I am pretty sure that Vale would ask for a free period to see all the data and visit the property" .......AND AGAIN THIS WOULD REQURE A CONTRACT!.......................................................................... "To conclude .. Vale has the Lucky surrounded" ............SOUNDS PRETY POSITIVE...glad he sees this the way I do!! ..............................................................."All bets are off however if the area really heats up and properties become attractive"........WOOOO SOUNDS LIKE A BIDDING WAR tha would require copper prices to go up ...oh wait they are!! ............................................................................ "Vale may just decide to sit them out. These big guys are NOT benevolent"...........I BELIVE THAT COULD BE TRUE UNLESS THE COPPER IS SITIN RIGHT ON TOP OF THE GROUND AND IS TO DETPH AND VERY WIDE AND VERY LONG "MILES" "WORLD CLASS" PROPERTY!" YOU KNOW ONE THEY MIGHT WANT TO STAKE COPLETLY AROUND AS SOON AS THEY WERE AWARE OF IT oh wait they did just that! And Lucky is that good!.......................................................................................................................................... "KAT has to get in and start opening up those showings or start drilling on them"........YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER WHEN THAT ANNJOUNCEMENT CAME! NOV. LAST YEAR! WAS THERE SNOW THEN?...AND IF NOT, HOW MANY HOURS WOULD IT TAKE VALE TO POKE A HOLE OR TWO IN THE GROUND ONCE THEY GOT PERMISSION FROM KAT?......I THINK YOU DONT GET TO BE WORLD LEADER IN MINNING BY LETTING THE GOOD ONES GET AWAY!... AND IT'S NOT LIKE THEIR INVESTING 2 BILLION IN A PLANT TO PROCESS ALL THIS COPPER....nope I am wrong on that one :)