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02/11/10 2:45 PM

#32 RE: Entangled Proton #31

i believe it,,,i'm with you. now to save some to get there.

Good after noon. Fortunatly I don't have to prove it. It's just one of an increasing number of reasons why corps want to get into space. If the aliance is to succeed, There has to be commerce in space. Pharmas want up there metalergist want up there. Here's ming company I chatted with last week that wants up there.

People are starting to put up hard cash to get there.


02/15/10 3:20 PM

#33 RE: Entangled Proton #31

excerpt; Scientists are close to figuring out how to make the body heal itself.
I'm talking about making the body heal itself quickly, painlessly, and naturally — harnessing the potential stored deep inside each of us…

It's the power to cure disease. The power to PREVENT disease. The power to eliminate aging… and the power to give you a longer, more youthful life than you ever imagined.

Scientists could someday very soon build the shot that repairs and rebuilds hearts by taking a small blood sample. Or by taking a few pieces of hair from a person's head.

The sample can then give doctors the cellular tools to repair and rebuild any number of organs…

One day, this process could be as easy as visiting a “bank” stocked with ready-made treatments and cures customizable to EVERY SINGLE person on earth.

Exclusive Look at the Research Set to Change the World

“When [researchers] transplanted… cells into mice that had experienced a heart attack, the new cells engrafted after two weeks. After four weeks they were improving the structure and function of the heart.”

The Mayo Clinic, September 2009

The liver. Kidneys. Lungs. Heart. Cartilage. Tendons. Brain… you name it.

I'm talking about the potential for radically increased lifespan — making 75 the new 40

The Heart Cells That Will Make the Old Young Again, and Deliver Your Unending Wealth

Take a look below. These are heart cells. These cells are “beating”.

Someday very soon, folks with damaged hearts could receive these kinds of simple, safe cells and benefit from stronger, rebuilt hearts.

On Fri., Feb. 5, 2010 the chairman of the company behind much of this work made an announcement for investors, the press, and market analysts…