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02/11/10 11:41 AM

#270 RE: jellicorse #268

That may be - if true - what kind of company would punish thier long term stockholders in this manner - there just may not be as large of a float (30 + mil) - as of 11/09 there where only 7 holders of record ? bit confused there - it just seems a strange way to rip people of - such small amounts -

someone from company needs to respond with answers to questions all are asking - it should be easy to calm investor nerves - this drop hurts there value also - hope web site re emerges better than before and in short order

shell companies are real - just empty - we all need to do real investigation - if you know someone in England - have them stop by Mr. Charlon address


02/12/10 11:22 AM

#305 RE: jellicorse #268

PGNE buying back stock? How droll!

With an alleged $10,000,000 arsenal to buy up its own stock, it wouldn't take much to drive the price up from where it sits right now. Oh, and the web site is down? How about that? I suppose that if one is covering one's tracks and running for cover, it's a sensible thing to do. Heh, do you think Mr. Charlton is meeting with his directors in Moscow? I am sure that the lawyers that PrimeGen failed to pay would be interested in Mr. Charlton's whereabouts, too. Here is a nice e-mail I got from Mr. Applbaum the other day.

RE: PGNE's Continuing Decline
From: Marc Applbaum <>
Date: Tue, Feb 9, 2010 9:58 am


This law firm has not represented the Company for several months and I am certainly not nor ever have been an officer or director of the Company.

We have had no contact with Mr. Charlton in several months and the Company owes this firm significant fees.

Marc Applbaum, Esq.

Applbaum & Zouvas

2368 2nd Avenue

San Diego, CA 92101

Phone (619) 688-1171

Fax (619) 688-1181

This message is intended only for the use of the individual(s) to whom it is addressed and may contain confidential information belonging to the sender or the intended recipient which is protected by attorney-client privilege. This information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that the reading, disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please safeguard the materials and immediately notify us by telephone (collect if appropriate) to arrange for return of the documents. Thank you very much for your attention to this matter.

End of e-mail. Then another one, in response to one from me:

RE: PGNE's Continuing Decline
From: Marc Applbaum <>
Date: Tue, Feb 9, 2010 10:44 am

Whats your number Id be happy to talk to you

From: []
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 9:33 AM
Subject: RE: PGNE's Continuing Decline

Hi Mr. Applbaum

Oh, I am sorry to hear that.

Perhaps you should notify and ask them to remove your name from PrimeGen's roster, since you are shown to be an officer of the company. Put out a news release, if you like.

You might also consider notifying the SEC as well, just to clarify things with them. I have no idea whether or not they will do anything. Perhaps they will investigate, but given what they did (or failed to do) with some former high profile Wall Street tycoons, I wouldn't expect too much from them.

Not that I would expect you to turn on your own client, or anything like that. I must confess to a little curiosity as to the extent of your losses on PrimeGen's account, but I don't expect you to tell me how much.

Anyway, it's one big red flag for me. I practiced law for over 33 years, and I got burned quite a few times, so I know what that's like.

Can you tell me if the address shown for Mr. Charlton and PGNE at Pink Sheets is valid? Give me a call.

Thank you for responding.


Robert M. Fulton

My Contact Info:


Tel: 780-637-3558

IM: robertmfulton@la

Now that this scam is unravelling very quickly, Mr. Charlton has every incentive in the world to make himself scarce, cover his tracks, and it comes as no major surprise to find that PrimeGen's web site is uhhh, "off-line". Maybe he is on some other computer in an internet cafe, checking out the chat boards and wondering if the SEC is going to bother with him. I think that it was my "sell 50,000 at the market" order that may have precipitated a bit of a cascade in the form of a falling price for this little gem. Hey, I don't like losing 50% of an investment to some scam artist who doesn't pay his lawyer. Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings, but it's the market and the market doesn't care about anyone's feelings.


Robert M. Fulton