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Lickety Split

02/10/10 10:03 AM

#198237 RE: midtieroil #198236

Poor management has always been the one known for a very long time. SEO's unyielding silence on anything to do with ERHC is another well known negative as is the company's willingness to support the general shareholder base beyond words (no actions).

We are strictly at the mercy of live with it or sell. Not much differnce here than with any other company that one is unhappy with. Maybe one day, positive news will make this baby move but the bigger question is how big is that maybe because it is being controlled. I refuse to give this company any more faith because they simply have not earned it.

Strass - JMO, Save the disagreements for someone who will listen.

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02/10/10 10:03 AM

#198238 RE: midtieroil #198236

midtier, imo all of your concerns are valid ones. But before they have to be addressed, the most important question of all needs to be answered: is there commercial oil and/or gas? When that is known (and I don't mean hoped-for-known, I mean known as in announced and quantified so investors can begin to replace the speculators), the rest will fall into place as needed.
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02/10/10 10:14 AM

#198242 RE: midtieroil #198236

i can earn 228 dollars on a 6 month CD at BOFA for with an amount +1000 times less the amount they used. i must say its pretty sad. talk about extremes. going from extremely risky to negative risk. a clear sign of people who dont know what they are doing. have they ever even heard of the risk-free rate????????
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02/10/10 10:31 AM

#198248 RE: midtieroil #198236

Amen, great post.

Dear Erhc,

Start doing your job, put out the drilling results.

I have spoken to a person who deals with fluid models for a living. at the most it takes a month given the data to come to a conclusion. But usually can be done in two weeks. and since ERHC had daily updates from the operator, they also know what is there.

since we have been done with the kina, boma, lemba, and malanza months ago, they have that done. And now that it is over a month with the oki east, they should have that done as well.

so stop with this lenghthy process, Dan, sick and tired of it. If you have a publicly traded company to run ,you don't make ridiculous agreements to put tape over your mouth when you know you have to give your shareholders drilling results. I , for one, do not beleive any such arrangements exist, its pretty funny that Dana Gas says exactly what they want to.

If the company or Offor is working on a deal, say you are in talks, like every other company in the world who gives a rats about their shareholder's value. Either of these pieces of news would have the stockprice soaring.

Enough is enough.

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02/10/10 10:35 AM

#198250 RE: midtieroil #198236


investing the company's money in a t-bill right now has a t-bill yield of oh about .08%.

Even on $21 million that amounts to nothing. A non-interest bearing account is therefore not that big a deal. LOL.

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02/10/10 12:12 PM

#198262 RE: midtieroil #198236

Midtier....if you think T-bills are a good place for ERHC to place its money....then you're not paying attention to the economic World around you.

Thank goodness you have no role in the running of ERHC.